Chapter 32: Rebels

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"FIRE!" A loud voice was heard over a distance. The quiet night had turned into its own mess when Indie woke up from the comfort of her bed to stare at the grey smoke over her head. She heard Sir Aven, as well as Sage Thea, waking up from the ruckus. 

"What's going on?" Sage Thea asked, surprised. Aven studied around until a cloaked soldier ran inside and yelled, "Sires! We need to evacuate! There has been an attack!" 

Indie rubbed her eyes, incredulous about the sudden development that had occurred in less than a minute. "Evacuate! Evacuate!" A lot of the soldiers were yelling outside. Suddenly warning bells were sounding off in a distance. This was really serious! 

'Holy shit, already?! This job really has no ends in here!' 

Indie started to grab everything she could before she was stopped by Priest Hessen who grabbed her hand and said, "It's pointless, we should get out of here!"

"Huh? Wait–what?!" She yelled as he pulled her out of the tent and ran.

They ran out of the tent and saw a grim scene in front of them: Swords brushed against each other, blood on the ground, fire burning up the tent, screams coming from the soldiers,[

Suddenly, it got even worse; Arrows came flying toward the running crowds of people. Not just any, but arrows covered in fire came flying from the sky, like meteorites. It felt like the end of the world was coming soon. 

The fires looked like firecrackers burning in the night sky. 

"Your Eminences!" One of the soldiers signaled, "This way!" Pointing toward an escape route, as all of them ran into hiding. Indie had never been in such a chaotic situation.

"Bandits! They are attacking the Camp, ready to engage in battle form!" One of the soldiers yelled loudly. "Protect their Eminences and the Captain!"

'Why are the bandits attacking now?! Did they find out about the Holy Order?'

Indie was in shock. Wow... the novel really builds up drama in seconds! 

 Suddenly a strong arm wrapped around Indie's shoulder and quickly pulled her away. She quietly stared at the tall figure in a white tunic and flaming red hair- Jason Ludwig... Priest Hessen grabbed her and started running fast:

"We need to find a safe spot-!" He screamed at her. "I think I know an escape route!" He pulled both of them away in far secluded grounds away from the screams, fires, arrows, and burning tents. 

"What the heck is this?! What do we do?" Indie yelled behind Jason. "Are the bandits attacking us, part of the Holy Order!"

"There is no doubt about it– if we really don't get out of here, we might be alive," Jason ordered. "Just run!" He ordered as Indie warmed up her legs in the cold icy air and prepared herself to run for a long time. 

He kept running really fast, and Indie with her shorter legs couldn't keep up with him in fear:

"What about the other Priests and the soldiers?!" Indie screamed while running.  "Sage Thea? And Sir Aven!?" 

"I'm not entirely sure, but I'm sure they are fine!" Priest Hessen told her as they ran outside of the Camp base and towards the Woods. 

"..!" Indie couldn't believe her ears. How could all of the innocent Soliders be left out of the attack– ...Not innocent– but still! Those people were still part of the Holy Order! 

"Where the heck are we even running?! Do you even know the way?!" Indie yelled while they ran. Indie panicked in fear, how could she not? Because none of this belongs in my job description!'

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