New York & Shopping

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Next thing I know we are traveling to New York and I am super excited to see Megs and Tiff. It will be fun. We already planned to see a Broadway musical while we are all in town to which Tiff groaned and Megs told her to shut up. They don't know it yet but I made reservations for this upscale restaurant before the musical thanks to Johnson's help. The man can get you into anywhere with zero effort which made me question his background slightly.

Since we are in New York longer Tom decided to stay at a house he keeps here for things like this. It has more than enough room for all of us and I have the bedroom on the first floor to make sure I am the first line of defense just in case. You never know with crazy ass fans these days especially over hot actors. Not that my boss is hot but I mean come on my boss is fucking hot. But I can't think like that he's my boss and I wasn't lying about what I told Megs and Tiff, that still didn't stop the dreams though. Really at this point it was getting to be multiple times a night. Him being my boss made nothing easier if anything knowing him more personally made my small crush grow astronomically. But there's no way anything will happen which is what I spent most of my time reminding myself. So, we have some down time and Megs flight gets in tomorrow. We are meeting to go shopping for the musical and to grab some lunch.

I am currently going over the security for the two days I will be off with Lopez. He's my right hand man and I trust him. We go over everything for what must be the 50th time that day and he finally cuts me off and says, "boss I got this. Tom isn't really leaving here anyways while you are off. He might go for a run but other than that he doesn't plan on leaving." "I know but I just want everything to be perfect. This is the first time I am taking time off and I don't want anything to happen to him." I say exasperatedly. Lopez just raises his eyebrow at me and says, "right of course not, but if it does it's on me not you," he joked. I just shook my head sighing questioning if this was a bad idea.

Tom comes in after a run and says, "Good morning, (y/n)." I got up and said, "hey Mr. Hiddleston, so Lopez will be in charge the next two days. You have my number on your cell if you need anything. Please do not hesitate to call me and I will come back immediately." He just smiled, grasped my shoulders in his hands and shook his head, "(y/n) seriously nothing is going to happen just relax, go have fun for goodness sake."

"I am the head of your security you pay me to make sure I am never relaxed," I said with a laugh. He looks at me seriously and says, "(y/n) please enjoy these two days off you need to relax if anyone here deserves it, it's you. You need a break." I just look at him and say "don't worry I promise I will enjoy myself" and I roll my eyes and say, "besides Tiff and Megs wouldn't let me not enjoy myself." "Good," He called jogging up the stairs to shower and change and I go to my room and get ready for sleep.

Megs called and said she landed and Tiff picked her up. She said they will see me in an hour to go shopping. I hang up and change into some white cut off high waisted shorts, a pink crop top, and pink sandals. My long hair is down straight and I grab my pink Kate Spade purse and aviators. I left my room but forgot to grab the bags with the gifts I got Megs and Tiff and went back to get them. I grabbed the bags and left my room and told Lopez I am leaving and to call if there's an emergency. I open the door to leave the house and end up bumping into Tom. He grips my arms to make sure I don't fall backwards and the place where his hands were lying burned through the material of my top, I laugh awkwardly and say, "thanks that would have ruined my mood if I fell." I look up at him and he's looking at me with a soft expression and says, "you look really nice you should wear your hair down more often." I blushed and replied, "It's too long it's just easier to have it up I might cut it." I replied. "No, don't cut it," he rushed out to say. I just chuckle and say "opinion noted."

"So where are you going today?" he asked. "I am meeting Tiff and Megs to get outfits for the Broadway musical and dinner tomorrow night." He asked "you're taking one of the cars right?" I nodded and said "yeah I'll be back later, if you need anything call me." I waved goodbye and ran to the car trying to escape his suffocating gaze that seemed to still be trained on mine even with my back turned.

Tiff, Megs, and I decided we were too hungry to go shopping first so we went to a little bistro Johnson recommended that had bottomless mimosas. We had a really great time laughing, drinking, and just catching up. I really missed these two. I think once the press tour is finished I am going to start the process to separate from the Marines. I miss my friends and family and it's time for me to be back in the States. I will help Tom find someone to replace me after all this is over and he is settled back in London. I pay our bill and then we walk to the dress shop across the street. It's pretty expensive and Megs is worried about money but with Tiff's rich ass husband and Tom paying me a fuck ton of money we both said don't worry about it we got you.

Megs decided on a beautiful silver flowy dress that stops just above the knee and some black wedges. Tiff picks a gorgeous green strapless dress that's tight on the top but flares out in the waist and also stops above the knee and some gold Louboutin's. I finally decided on a nice blue spaghetti strap dress with a v neckline. It was gorgeous and I had been leaning towards a light blue dress that complimented my skin tone, but as soon as I stood in front of the mirror I felt that burning gaze once again floating over my body. It was tight and ended a little past mid thigh and I grabbed some silver heels. We were all laughing and talking about how we should do our hair and makeup when I got a text. All Megs and Tiff heard was "kneel before me" and I said why is Tom texting me. They started laughing and said isn't that what Loki said in the Avengers and I blushed and said shut up I rarely use this cell and normally it's on silent then they said so its Tom now and I rolled my eyes. I read the text and said, "oh that's nice of him, he said he got us a limo to take us to the musical and dinner tomorrow." Tiff and Megs said aww that was nice of him. And we all went our separate ways. 

A/N So sorry for such a late update! I'll try to update in again later tonight.


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