Slowly Unraveling

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I got back to the house carrying my two bags and put everything away for tomorrow. I checked in with Lopez and he said Mr. Hiddleston has been in his office. I frowned and said, "has he eaten?" to which he replied, "Umm I don't know." I sighed and told him I would go check on him. I knock on Tom's office door and hear a voice float across the floorboards, "Come in." He called, his accent immediately making my knees weak. Anyways I go inside and he's on the phone sees me, smiles, and motions for me to sit down.

He ends his call and says, "how was the shopping trip?"

I smile, "it was super fun I definitely needed some girl time thank you again for the time off." He just waved it off and went on, "of course you work so hard it's the least I can do."

"Thanks so much for the limo tomorrow night you really don't have to but it's definitely appreciated." 

"Anything for you (y/n)," he said softly leaning forward on his desk. I got nervous and cleared my throat and asked, "did you eat at all today."

He actually winced when saying, "you know what I don't know." I rolled my eyes and looked at the ceiling praying for patience to deal with this man.

"Mr. Hiddleston, you need to take care of yourself. However, lucky for you I saw this happening and I'm having your favorite steak place deliver your usual order." I look at my watch and add "it should be here in twenty minutes."

He chuckled leaning back in his seat, "what would I do without you (y/n)?"

"Obviously starve" I said while winking at him immediately regretting the action as he looked at me in shock.

I immediately muttered an I'm sorry and leapt to my feet, "Goodnight Mr. Hiddleston." I called rushing towards my room before he could see the crimson blush flooding my cheeks.

I woke up the next morning super excited for the night. I found Lopez in the kitchen with Tom talking about their plans for the day. I muttered a good morning and went to the Keurig Tom bought so I could have my coffee whenever I wanted.

I made myself a cup and while it was brewing turned towards the men in the kitchen and asked, "Did you decide to add anything to your plans for today?"

"I'm going to meet some friends for dinner tonight," Tom replied. "Alright bring Lopez and three others with you."

He raised his eyebrows, "Really (y/n) four guards for a dinner with friends?" I shrugged and narrowed my eyes at him while saying, "I won't be there so yes four guards." "I think that's a little overkill don't you?" he asked, sighing.

I nodded, "You know what's overkill?" I mused as I grabbed my mug and took a sip smirking at the men in front of me, "Being attacked at comic con by your ex head of security." and looked at Lopez and said, "send me the location and information on the restaurant just in case you need me." while Tom said, "(Y/n) have fun tonight I will be fine."

"Just be safe and enjoy your dinner," I replied.

The time passed and I took a shower and did my hair and makeup. I decided to just curl my hair and leave it down. Tom was right it has gotten long it's actually down to the top of my butt I might have to cut it I think to myself. But then I remember how Tom rushed to say no so I just shrugged it off and decided against the idea wondering when I started caring so much about what the man thought of my hair. I then decided to just go for a natural look with my makeup so nothing crazy Tiff would be so mad I wasn't going to the nines. The dress was already beautiful itself, no need to go that far. I put on my dress and heels then grabbed my silver clutch. I made sure I had my wallet, cellphone, small gun, chap stick, mints, and lipstick. I double checked everything then left my room to talk to Lopez one last time about security for Tom.

I found Lopez in the sitting room and sat down across from him so he could show me the layout and go over positions while Tom is at dinner with his friends. I look at it and said, "just be careful with that back exit there are no cameras and it leads to an alleyway." He nodded his head and said, "got it boss." We heard someone approaching and we looked up.

Tom was fixing his cuff links and didn't see us but Lopez and I both stood up. Tom looked positively handsome in his tailored blue Armani suit. The man can dress and that jawline, que internal sigh. I mentally shook my head and said enough of that (y/n) he is your boss and so out of your league it's not even funny. He finally looked up and saw Lopez and I as my head was down and I was mentally berating myself. He gave Lopez a look and as he was exiting the room was making kissy faces behind Tom's back to which I promptly glared at him and promised retribution.

When I looked up and smiled at him. He sauntered up to me saying, "(Y/n) you look gorgeous." I blushed and said, "thank you. You look great in your suit." We heard the limo pull up and I nervously said "well that's for me. Have fun but be safe, stick to your security detail and call me if you need anything." I waved and left for the limo. 

A/N Hope you enjoyed. As always any feedback is appreciated!


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