A First Date

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After I changed into one of my new blue suits with a red tie and handkerchief to match (Y/n)'s dress I went to my little study and poured a splash of whiskey to calm my nerves. I can't believe that not only did (y/n) finally call me Tom but she actually cried. Just thinking of her crying again caused a tightness in my chest. I finished my whiskey and told myself from here on out I am spoiling (Y/n) just as she deserves. That woman belongs on a pedestal and I'm the man for her.

I was walking out of my study when (Y/n) came out of her room and I could have sworn the world stopped and I just wanted to sink to my knees, she was so breathtaking. I loosen my tie at my neck and clear my throat.
"You look like a Goddess (Y/n) I will be envied by every man tonight." I said as I kissed her hand. She looked down and mumbled a thank you as I saw a delightful blush bloom on her cheeks. This soft (y/n) is one of my favorite sides of her. Don't get me wrong I love her badass strong side, that's what threw us together. However this soft, blushing, smiling side is one I cherish, because I know I am one of only a few people who get to see it.

We walk out to my Maserati and I help her into the passenger seat. I start up the car and look at her. "I have another surprise, since the musical isn't until later I made us reservations for this nice Italian restaurant one of my friends suggested since I know how much you love Italian food." She looks at me with wide eyes, "You really do pay attention to the small things." "Of course (y/n) I always pay attention to you even if it doesn't seem like it."
We arrive at the restaurant and I wave the valet away from opening up (Y/n)'s door. That's my privilege and mine alone whenever I am with her. I reach for her hand and she smiles up at me and hangs on to my arm. "The heels are beautiful Tom but it's been a while so I appreciate your help. I wouldn't want to fall on my face in front of all these people." She says with a soft chuckle. "You never have to worry when I am around (y/n) I will always catch you when you fall." She just gives this small little sigh in response and then we are escorted to our private dining table.

I help her into her seat and then sit down in mine across from her. We look through the menu and place our order. After the waiter leaves (y/n) looks at me and reaches for my hand which I gladly give her. "Thank you so much for all of this. You really did not have to do this but I appreciate it so much." I softly squeeze her hand "(Y/n), darling, you better get used to this because from now on I'm not holding back. You're mine and I am yours and there's no hiding it or repressing any of these feelings." I see the blush I love so much starting to bloom on her cheeks. Before she can say anything our food arrives and we enjoy our food and some light conversation.

We tell each other about our families and she even opens up about how she wants to finish out this last contract with the Marines and then get out. "I just miss my family and friends so much. My nephew is already 15 and my twin nieces just turned 3. I want to be more involved in their lives." She tells me with a slight frown. "Then you should do that if that's what you really want (y/n). Family seems really important to you." "They really are and who knows maybe one day I could have one too." She sighs looking off to the distance. As soon as she says that I can just picture a small little girl with my eyes and her hair running around and I can't stop the smile from spreading on my face. We finish our dinner and then leave to go to the musical.

During the musical I couldn't look away from (y/n). Her reactions to everything were addicting to watch. She was really enjoying herself and this was definitely the most relaxed I have ever seen her. I take her hand and she turns to me and smiles and lightly squeezes my hand before looking back onto the play. Soon it's intermission and she looks at me and says "that was so good. I love the actor playing Demetri, he's phenomenal and exactly how I would envision him to be." "Yes the play is going rather well. I can see why you were so excited to see it." She smiles then excuses herself to go to the restroom. While she leaves I make sure the last surprise of the night I have for her is ready. (Y/n) returns and the musical resumes. After it ends she can't stop gushing about how beautiful it was and how the actors did the play justice and exceeded her expectations. I grab her hand putting it on my arm and tell her I have one last surprise for her. She responds by looking at me with a confused expression but a security guard leads us back to a room.

"(Y/n) may I present to you Christy Altomare and Derek Klena or should I say Anastasia and Demetri." (Y/n) just stands in shock for a few moments then shakes hands with them and tells them how amazing they were and the three of them chat however, the entire time (Y/n) is gripping my arm tightly to contain her excitement and I can't help but smile at how adorable she looks. We say goodbye and (Y/n) gives Christy a hug and I give Derek a look and he just shakes her hand goodbye.

We leave to go to the car and as the valet pulls up with the car I help (Y/n) in. We drive back to the house and I help her out of the car and into the house where we make our way to the sitting room. She looks at me with her eyes shining brightly from all the excitement and she walks over to me as I pour myself a splash of whiskey and hand her a cup of her coffee. "Thank you so much Tom. Today was the best day ever! I had so much fun and I still can't believe I met Christy Altomare and Derek Klena. I'm going to have to print the picture out and frame it in my room." I smile at her, "There's no need to thank me, I'm happy you enjoyed yourself seeing you smile all night made it truly magical for me." Before I could blink (y/n) places a hand on my chest and reaches up and softly kisses my lips. She pulls back and she blushes and looks at the floor. "I'm so sorry I can't believe I just did that. I'll just um go to my room now." Yet, before she could make her hasty retreat I pull her to my chest and kiss her passionately like I've been wanting to do for months.

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