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I'm in the uber on the way to the restaurant Tom's at. It sucks that I had to leave the show during intermission but when Lopez texted me saying one of the guys he took with to guard Tom had to leave because his wife was giving birth way too early I couldn't say no. Since time was of the essence I just got an uber straight to the restaurant. I arrived and saw one of our men at the front and went up to him and retrieved the comms earpiece before going into the restaurant. When I got in I expected to just stand in a corner to keep an eye out but I was surprised when a hostess came up to me. She said, "Hello are you Ms. (Y/L)? We have your table ready, please follow me." I was confused but followed her and sat in a corner at a small two-person table. It was a really nice restaurant, definitely nicer than the one Tiff, Megs, and I went to for dinner before the show. At least what I was wearing was similar to everyone else.

I sat down and spoke in my comms letting Lopez know I was here. "I know I saw you walk in. I'm at the back by the exit." He responded. A waiter came and set down some water and asked if I wanted some wine which I declined. I looked around the restaurant and saw Tom a few tables across from me with friends having fun. I kept looking, making sure nothing seemed out of place. A few minutes of this goes by when the waiter returned with a glass of soda and what looked like a slice of chocolate cake. "What is this? I didn't order this." I told him, confused. "I was told to give you a glass of Pepsi and a fresh slice of our triple chocolate cake ma'am." He replied then walked away. I looked up and was about to speak into my comms when I made eye contact with Tom and he winked at me. I just smiled and shook my head and started eating my cake while still surveilling the area.

I couldn't help but think that he knew my favorite soda and chocolate cake was my favorite dessert after apple pie. It was sweet that he paid attention and noticed such small things about me. I finished my drink and cake when I saw Tom get up and walk to the bathroom. A few moments later Lopez says "Boss it seems like we have some over enthusiastic fans what should we do." I look over and see Tom surrounded by some fans but he seems to have things under control. "Just pay attention he will let us know if we need to step in and help." My guys stay where they are and I get the waiter's attention and ask for the check. "Oh no ma'am it's already been paid." He responded. I smiled and said, "Well I hope you have a nice rest of your night." As he leaves I look up to check on Tom when I see him widen his eyes slightly. I chuckle and say over the comms "Lopez he just gave the signal can you help him out then ask when he would like to leave so we are ready." 

A/N Hope you all enjoy. Please leave any feedback, comments, or suggestions! Thank you for reading!!


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