Thor: Ragnarok Premiere

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It's finally the day of the premiere. I'm currently in my sitting room reading waiting for (Y/n) to finish getting ready so we can leave. She's been off these past few days but I figured it's just nerves for tonight. So I sent her on a spa day yesterday and then today had a makeup and hair stylist come and help her out so she's not as stressed or nervous.

I'm adjusting my cuff links when (Y/n) literally stumbles into the sitting room and I lunge to catch her. I help her gain her balance and she looks breathtaking.

"Great catch Tom love. I might have to cling to your arm the whole night though. These heels are gorgeous but a little too high." She giggles.

"Perfect, that's exactly where you belong. But you look stunning Darling." I kiss her hand and that blush I love comes to her cheeks.

"Well you look downright sinful in this suit." She tells me while adjusting my necktie.

Lopez interrupts by letting us know the limo has arrived and ready to go when we are. I lead (Y/n) to the limo and help her in.

"Okay I can do this. I won't fall on my face in front of thousands of photographers or do anything else that will embarrass you." (Y/n) mumbles nervously playing with her fingers.

I grab one of her hands and then cup her cheek forcing her to look at me. "(Y/n), love, you could never do anything to embarrass me. Just relax, we are going to have fun and everyone will be jealous over my gorgeous girlfriend."

I softly kiss her and then next thing we know we are pulling up to the venue and have to walk on the red carpet for pictures before watching the premiere. I get out of the limo first and I'm already bombarded with flashing camera lights and questions. Ignoring all of that I reach inside the limo and give (Y/n) my hand. She takes it and I help her out and put my hand on her waist.

As soon as everyone notices I'm with someone it goes crazy. There's even more yelling now. Asking who she is and if she is the mystery woman I'm in a relationship with. We then made our way to the red carpet and arrived right after Chris and his wife Elsa.

"If I ever get pregnant I definitely want to look like her. She looks amazing in that dress with her baby bump." (Y/n) tells me while looking at Chris and Elsa.

I immediately envisioned (Y/n) pregnant with our baby at another red carpet event with me. Instead of replying I just squeeze her waist and smile down at her. We take more pictures and then it's time to do some small interviews before we get to watch the premiere. Johnson the ever efficient assistant leads (Y/n) and I to the first interviewer up on a platform. I help (Y/n) up and then the interview begins.

"Tom you look great tonight as usual. Now who is this beautiful woman with you tonight?"

"Thank you. This stunning woman beside me is my girlfriend (Y/n). She was gracious enough to come here tonight with me." I pull her in to my side and kiss the top of her head.

"(Y/n) you are one lucky woman. How does it feel dating the Tom Hiddleston?"

"I mean to me he's just Tom. The man who drinks earl grey tea every morning, supports my coffee addiction, and is always there when I need him." She's blushing and gripping my arm hard so I know she's nervous. But she's doing great for her first public interview.

We are finishing our fourth interview when Johnson comes up to us. "That was amazing. You two are already trending on all major social media platforms. Also, (Y/n) Lopez said something about he's feeling off. Whatever that means, anyways the Hemsworth's are already seated. I'm going to head into the premiere now too so I'll see you two inside."

"What does he mean by saying he's feeling off? Is he sick (Y/n)?"

"No but that's not a good thing to be hearing from Lopez." She says while scanning the area.

"Is everything okay? Remember you're my date not my head of security tonight."

"Sorry, just got used to it."

"Come on let's go to our seats and get settled." I put my hand on her lower back guiding her towards the theater when we hear screaming. Not normal fan screaming but terrified screams. We turn towards the noise and I immediately see my old head of security Trevor Davies. What the heck is he doing here I thought he was in jail I think to myself. I try to move (Y/n) behind me but of course she doesn't budge.

"Lopez, he's on the right, try to get in a position to either tackle the guy or get Tom to safety." I hear her say as she pulls a gun from her thigh.

She tries to step closer when I put my hand on her arm. "No (Y/n) we have security and police let them handle it. Let's just go inside."

She raises her eyebrow at me, "You're in danger, do you really think I can do that?"

I just try to lead her inside when Trevor yells, "You ruined me!"

A shot goes off and I go to wrap myself around (Y/n) when instead she pushes me out of the way. Another shot goes off but all I can feel is (Y/n) on top of me.

"Dammit (Y/n) are you okay?" I help her sit up and look at her. She's ignoring me and turns with her gun pointing at the lifeless body on the ground. Lopez is standing over him with other security guards. I help (Y/n) up when a police officer comes over.

"Ma'am we are going to need to take your gun as evidence and we will need a statement from you as well."

"Yeah can I do that later though I need to make sure Mr. Hiddleston's security is good to go before I leave him."

"Yes of course ma'am." He then leaves and Lopez comes over.

"So it seems he was able to bribe two security guys and that's how he got in." He says glaring at the body as paramedics come. I feel something heavy on my arm and look to see (Y/n) holding onto me and breathing heavily, she's also pale.

"Lopez! Get a paramedic now!" I yell as I gently lay (Y/n) on the ground.

"(Y/n) what is it? Where does it hurt?" I frantically look over her body trying to find the source of her pain. She grabs my hand and I then see the blood on her and now on me.

"I'm fine. Don't worry Tom it's fine." She says shakily trying to breathe. I finally see the blood is coming from her side and apply pressure to stop the blood.

"SOMEONE I NEED HELP!" Paramedics rush over and I move over so I'm not in their way but I'm still close enough to hold her hand.

"Hurry we need to get to the hospital now." The paramedics start to put her on a stretcher and I am still holding her hand. They are about to roll her into the ambulance when I hear a soft Tom and then her hand goes limp in mine.

I stop in my tracks and the paramedics are yelling and then they use a defibrillator on her.

"NO. NO. NO. (Y/NNNNNN)!" I try to run after the ambulance but Lopez holds me back while Johnson yells for the limo to come and take us to the hospital.

We are in the limo and I feel like I'm suffocating.

"She will be fine. It's (Y/n) she's the strongest person I know." Lopez whispers.

I just close my eyes and don't even realize I'm crying until I feel the tears on my neck. We get to hospital and I run out with Lopez and Johnson on my heels.

"I'm looking for the woman they just brought in by ambulance."

Before the nurses can answer a haggard looking nurse comes over breathing heavily, "we lost patient (L/n). All hands on deck."

My stomach drops and I feel like my heart stops beating. I grab my chest and just crumple to the floor crying and screaming in agony. Lopez has tears streaming down his face and Johnson is trying to console me. This can't be happening, I keep repeating over and over. 

An Unlikely Desire (Tom Hiddleston x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora