A Shocking Surprise

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Hey lovelies! So I started writing and I lied this isn't going to be the last chapter. I really got into what I was writing and next thing I know something new came to me so you will get at the minimum one more chapter after this one before the two epilogues. Again so sorry but I hope you enjoy. Also thank you for 1k that's amazing and I was not expecting it at all when I started this. LOVE YOU ALL <3 



I wake up and notice a few things. I'm definitely not in bed with Tom, my side hurts like crazy, and I really need to use the bathroom. I blink a few times trying to remember what happened when it all comes back to me. Tom and I were about to walk to our seats when we started to hear frantic screaming. I turned and saw Davies with a gun and he looked deranged, he yelled about Tom ruining him and when he went to shoot I remember pushing Tom out the way then firing my weapon at Davies.

From there it gets kind of hazy but I slightly remember Tom holding my hand and him yelling. I look around as I sit up, yep I'm leaving, I hate hospitals. I look at my side and it's all stitched up and bandaged. Yeah I'm definitely leaving. I go to use the bathroom and change, I then take out the IV grateful Megs showed me how to do that when we were in college.

I slip out thinking on how I can try to get out of here as soon as possible when I hear a blood curdling scream. I try to run towards the noise but a sharp pain shoots up my side so I just walk fast. When I round the corner I'm stopped in my tracks by what I see. Tom is screaming in agony crying on the floor with Johnson crying and hugging him, Lopez is standing with his eyes closed also crying.

"What the hell happened? Love, are you okay? Tom, talk to me what's wrong?" I kneel in front of Tom and cup his face forcing him to look at me.

"(Y/n)?" He whispers, gripping me hard and crushing me to his chest. I give a startled shout of pain and he immediately loosens his hold.

"(Y/n) I thought you.. A nurse came out saying they lost you. What are you doing out here, are you okay, how's your side?" He inspects my body as a nurse comes running.

"Ms. (Y/l) thank goodness we found you. You can't leave until the doctor clears you." She says breathing heavily. Tom looks at me with a stern expression when he realizes what happened.

"I will be taking her back to her room and I will personally make sure she doesn't leave this hospital until she gets cleared from the doctor." Tom tells the nurse. I am in so much trouble I think to myself. Tom gets up and then helps me up. Johnson and Lopez hug me and then leave to check on everything. As Tom and I follow the nurse back to the room Tom gets more and more tense.

"Alright Ms. (Y/n) and Mr. Hiddleston please stay here until the doctor comes." The nurse narrows her eyes at me and then leaves closing the door behind her. I turn towards Tom and immediately try to start explaining myself.

"I'm sorry I just hate hospitals so when I woke up I just had to leave and find you and make sure you were okay and-" Tom cuts me off from my rambling by pushing me up against the wall and wrapping my legs around his waist.

"(Y/n) I am upset because you took a bullet for me. I am upset because you left the hospital after passing out from taking that bullet for me. However, I am so happy and relieved that you are alive and well. (Y/n) I felt my whole world come crashing down when I thought the nurse said you died. I never want to feel that ever again. You mean everything to me and I mean everything. Without you I am nothing, please don't do that ever again." Then before I can reply Tom gives me a long and passionate kiss. Before we get too carried away we are interrupted by a knock on the door. Tom puts me down and helps me sit on the bed and stands off to my side and lets the doctor know he can come in.

"Mr. Hiddleston and you must be Ms. (L/n). You gave the staff quite a scare when you left your room, young lady. Now, it's important that you get enough food and rest. The gunshot thankfully didn't do any major damage. The stitches will come off in three weeks so you can schedule that with your regular doctor. However, I recommend seeing your OB-GYN before then just to check that the baby is alright." I was zoning out while the doctor was talking but then I heard the word baby and froze.

"I'm sorry doctor did you say baby?" Tom asks, bewildered holding my hand.

The doctor looks at the paperwork and says, "Yes Ms. (Y/n) seems to be about 6 weeks. I recommend on top of seeing your OB-GYN that you rest until you see them just to be safe. Of course if there's any bleeding go to an ER immediately. Do you have any questions?"

I'm still in shock and just shake my head no. Tom asks if it's safe if I fly and the doctor says that should be fine and then he leaves offering us congratulations on his way out. I close my eyes and think what am I going to do, what if Tom doesn't want the baby or worse what if he thinks I trapped him. I don't even realize I'm crying until I feel Tom wiping my tears away.

"Are you not happy Love?" He asks me gently.

"I swear I didn't plan this Tom I didn't even know I was pregnant."

"(Y/n) look at me. I know this wasn't planned, you aren't that type of person and that didn't even cross my mind. If it matters I am ecstatic about this baby we created. I already love him or her almost as much as I love their mother." I give him a small smile and hug him.

"Oh my goodness Tom a baby I can't believe it. The more I think about it the more the shock wears off and I get excited." We kiss and then leave with Tom calling Lopez to bring the limo to the side entrance of the hospital. We get inside the limo and Tom starts looking up OB-GYN's in London. I end up falling asleep while he talks to the third OB-GYN he's called.

I wake up in Tom's room in just his shirt. I get up and walk to the kitchen where Lopez, Johnson, and Tom are talking and probably going over our schedule to go to my parents then back to London. I'm about to say good morning when the smell of coffee hits my nostrils and I run to the bathroom. I empty my stomach into the toilet while I feel someone hold my hair up and rub my back. As soon as I'm done throwing up I rest my head on the cold toilet seat when the person flushes the toilet and then hands me a bottle of water. I rinse out my mouth and feel a little better and look up to see Tom with a worried look on his face.

"Are you okay love?" As soon as he finishes his question I burst into tears, he picks me up and carries me back to his bed and sits down with me on his lap.

"it's the smell of coffee Tom. What am I going to do for 8 months when the mere smell of coffee causes me to throw up. I know it's silly to be crying over coffee but it's not just that. I'm going to have to quit being your head of security and I already sent my paperwork to get out of the Marines so now I'm pregnant with no job and no coffee." I can't stop crying into his chest.

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