Public or Private?

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I'm getting ready to go up for the interview and see Lopez and (Y/n) position themselves around the stage. (Y/n) is off to my right by the stage away from the cameras and Lopez is in the front with the show's security as well. This is my last interview and then we fly out to Los Angeles for the big premiere in two days. I plan on asking (Y/n) tonight if she will be comfortable going to the premiere as my date or if she still wants to keep what we have between us private.

The director motions for the cameras to start rolling and the host begins. "Alright ladies and gentlemen with me today is none other than Loki himself Tom Hiddleston." Everyone cheers and applauds while I smile and wave my thanks. "Thank you for having me here today Jimmy." "No thank you for coming in. So Thor: Ragnarok? How is it going from Loki destroying New York to now helping Thor?" "It shows not only Loki's character development but proves that all he wanted was to be treated as an equal to Thor; he just wanted a brother to be seen as his equal, not as someone who's  inferior to him." We continue talking about the upcoming film when he looks a little embarrassed.

"So Tom there's rumors going around that you might not be single anymore and everyone is dying to know who the mystery woman is." I'm actually taken aback because I've only been out with friends besides last night with (Y/n). "Really and who is this mystery woman that I am supposedly dating?" "Well we have a picture actually."
However, before I can turn to look at the picture on the screen I notice (Y/n) slightly tenses and then the color drains from her face. I want to go to her but instead I look up at the screen and there's a picture of (Y/n) and I from last night leaving the restaurant. The good thing is that her long hair and my body is covering her face but you can clearly see her as I help her into my car. I need to figure out how to play this. (Y/n) doesn't want to go public yet but I don't want to act like she's some big secret I'm ashamed of.

"So Tom, who is the lucky mystery woman? Are you officially off the market?" Jimmy asks with excitement. I take a small glance at (Y/n) and she just looks back at me with wide trusting eyes and I make my decision. "Yes I am officially taken. I am lucky enough to be dating a wonderful woman, however, we both wish for privacy so I hope everyone will understand why I won't say who she is. Just know she's an amazing woman who makes me extremely happy."

That gets a collective aww and some wistful sighs from the audience and I can't help the smile that's spreading on my face. I take a quick glance at (Y/n) but she's scanning the area however, I can see a faint blush on her cheeks.
"Well you all heard it here first Tom Hiddleston is officially off the market. Thank you for stopping by Tom and enjoy your premiere." Jimmy says and then the interview is over and I head over to (Y/n).
"An amazing woman who makes you extremely happy huh?" (Y/n) giggles out while we walk towards our town car that Lopez went to bring to the side entrance. I smile at her giggle and my hands itch from wanting to put my hand on her lower back and help her into the car.

"I was just telling the truth." "Thank you for not saying it was me. I haven't even told my family yet and I don't want them finding out about our relationship from a TV interview." She makes a cute little scrunched up face.
I get into the back of the car as (Y/n) gets in the passenger seat. As soon as we get back to the house I decide to ask (Y/n) about going to the premiere with me.

"Hey, want to do a movie night? We can order pizza and pop some popcorn? Just chill and relax" (Y/n) asks me with a bright smile on her face. "Yes that sounds perfect." "Okay I'll go change into something comfy meet you in the living room in ten minutes?" She quickly kisses my cheek and runs off to her room.

I smile and chuckle softly. I really do love this carefree (Y/n) I get when we are alone. I walk to my room and change into some joggers and a t-shirt. I make the call for pizza and I can smell popcorn being popped in the kitchen. I walk in and I am graced with a beautiful sight. (Y/n) is singing and dancing while making popcorn on the stove. I lean against the doorframe just basking in the adorable scene before me. She grabs a spatula and pretends to sing into it like a microphone.

She turns around and sees me watching her and stops. "Oh gosh how long have you been standing there?" "Long enough to enjoy the view darling." She rolls her eyes and turns off the speaker. She then puts the popcorn in a bowl and walks over to me. "Look, we are kind of matching. I'm just wearing shorts, we are already couple goals." She smiles up at me and wraps one arm through mine while I take the popcorn from her.

We walk into the living room when the doorbell rings and she goes to get the pizza so that I don't have to worry about being recognized. "Alright so what are we watching?" I ask as she puts the pizza on the table. "Well what do you want to watch? Comedy, action, or romance?" "How about I let you decide the movie?" "Alright then romance it is!" I just smile at her as we put pizzas on our plates and start eating. She then proceeds to grab the remote and puts on Pride and Prejudice. "I love this movie. It has Kiera Knightley and is based on one of my favorite books." She tells me as she finishes her pizza.

We are halfway through the movie and (Y/n) is cuddled up to my side with her head on my chest with the empty popcorn bowl and pizza box on the coffee table. She picks up the remote and pauses the movie. "Sorry I need a bathroom break I'll be right back." Alright I will ask her as soon as she gets back I think to myself. She comes back and smiles at me while getting into a comfortable position beside me. When she goes to pick up the remote I stop her. "(Y/n) may I ask you a question?" "Sure what's up Tom?" "Will you go to the movie premiere with me in Los Angeles as my date?"

She sits up and looks at me with wide eyes. "If I do that we would be public and have no privacy anymore." "I won't lie, we will have some paparazzi, fan fair, and you would be thrown into the public eye so if you don't want to I understand." I stare into her beautiful eyes holding my breath waiting for her answer.

An Unlikely Desire (Tom Hiddleston x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now