Tom's Thoughts

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As I watched (Y/n) get into the limo I couldn't help but think over the past few months. To imagine the small but fierce woman in the Wonder Woman costume at Comic Con would change my life so drastically. She's slowly starting to get more comfortable with me but still keeps her distance. I know it's because she's my head of security but she really needs to lighten up some, she's far too young to be so serious. I come back to the present when my driver pulls up and Lopez follows me into the car with another car with the other guards following us to the restaurant. I think it's ridiculous to have these many guards just for a dinner with friends but if it makes (Y/n) happy then I will do it. She doesn't seem to realize that I would do anything for her. I'm interrupted from my thoughts by Lopez talking.

"So your last interview was really interesting." Lopez says nonchalantly.

"How so?"

"You were really passionate about your answer on how you would treat the lucky lady you would call yours."

"Yes. Well like I said in the interview in a relationship you should treat your woman like a princess. She should be loved, adored, and treated with the utmost respect."

"(Y/n) seemed to really like that answer. I even caught her smiling a little. Not her signature smirk but an actual smile. I thought I was seeing things." He says laughing.

"Really? I didn't know that." I mused when we pulled up to the restaurant. Thinking back I remember that she said I did a great job but she always says that. I go up to my friends and we are shown to the back for some privacy. I see Lopez stand off to the far back and the other guards can't be seen but I know they are strategically placed.

We just placed our orders when Lopez comes up and whispers that one of the guards wives is going into early labor so he's leaving and that (Y/n) is on the way to cover for him. I try to tell him that it's not necessary for her to come and she needs to enjoy the musical but we both know that (Y/n)'s to stubborn to listen. He goes back to his area in the back and I wave a waiter over.

"Yes, Mr. Hiddleston?"

"Can you let the hostess know a Miss (Y/l) will be arriving soon and I would like her seated at one of the tables in here. Also make sure she's given a Pepsi and a fresh slice of your chocolate cake please."

"Of course Mr. Hiddleston." He replies and leaves to do as I asked. She might not notice the small things I do but I can't help it. I need to make sure she's taken care of no matter how small especially since she rarely asks me for anything. Our main courses are brought out to us when I see (Y/n) being escorted to a small table a few tables in front of me where I can see her. It still takes my breath away with how beautiful she looks tonight. She doesn't even realize how gorgeous she is and how every male she passed by checked her out.

I've never been a jealous man but for some reason(Y/n) brings it out of me. I watch as she sits down and I am pulled into a conversation about the musical Anastasia that's recently out. I look to check on (Y/n) and see her face scrunched up in confusion when the waiter brings her items I requested. I smile seeing her cute little nose scrunched up and she looks up and sees me and I send her a wink. Before I return back to the conversation going on I notice a faint blush stain her cheeks and feel happy knowing I put it there. I get up to go to the restroom and when I walk out I am surrounded by fans asking for autographs and pictures. I love my fans and don't mind doing these small things for them. Without them I wouldn't be as successful as I am. The group gets a little too rowdy so I make eye contact with (Y/n) and give her the signal for help.

A/N Here's an update. I am about to upload the next part. Please leave any comments or feedback!!


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