Year 4 - 10

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sURPRISE! It's Thursday somewhere.

Round One Start!



Harry stood next to Draco, listening to the thrum of the crowd. Everyone was excitedly chattering about as they waited for the champions to return. If Harry focused hard enough, he could pick out bits of the surrounding conversations. Even though Rosie had a definite lead, there were plenty of students betting on the other champions.

Draco nudged Harry. "You're spacing out."

"Eavesdropping," replied Harry. "For some reason people seem to think Rosie won't win."

"Blasphemy," said Draco with a charming smile.

Harry chuckled. "Right?"

The boys fell into a comfortable silence, Draco joining Harry in eavesdropping on the surrounding conversations. The pale boy must have heard something funny because he let out a snort, then leaned in to whisper what he heard in Harry's ear.

Harry covered his mouth to keep from laughing.

Some people thought they couldn't be heard in the crowd and so they said some rather embarrassing things.

But Draco and Harry heard, and the two boys shared quite a few laughs.

Neville pushed through the crowd to join them, a little out of breath.

"Hey guys," said Neville, his cheeks bright red.

"What's up?" asked Harry.

"Luna had a bit of a headache," Neville mumbled, shyly looking away. "I wanted to take her back, but Lisa beat me to it."

"Uh-huh," observed Draco, peering at the Longbottom heir. "And that makes you flushed?"

"She—she kissed me as thanks for worrying," Neville squeaked out.

"Congrats," said Harry. "Is it anything like the books?"

"Even better," Neville sighed dreamily.

Draco's face screwed up in disdain. "Ew. Don't get soppy this early on."

"I think I love her."

"You have not dated her nearly long enough to say that," said Draco, aghast. "Take it back."

Harry looked up at the night sky, his eyes narrowed. "How long are you supposed to date someone before you love them?"

Draco firmly said, "At least more than one date."

"W-We've been on more than one date," protested Neville.

Draco flatly stared at him. "Two?"

Neville pursed his lips. "... Yes."

"You can like her fine and dandy," said Draco flippantly, "but it's way too early to say you love her."

"H-How can you know that? Maybe I do. Maybe we're meant to be," said Neville stubbornly.

"Maybe you're just horny," snarked Draco, eliciting an embarrassed flush from Neville. "Harry, back me up on this."

"I've never been in love so I can't comment on the situation one way or the other," dismissed Harry. "I don't think I've even had a crush before."

"Really?" Draco was surprised. "No one's caught your interest?"

"Not yet," said Harry. "I mean I know who's pretty and I like talking to some people more than others, but I dunno about doing more than that."

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