Year 5 - 10 (Rosier Raid)

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This is the last fluff padding we have before Shit Goes Down.

Ngl... I just really wanted to upload on April 1st. Mwah.


My thief outfit was in honor of a highwayman. Black, tall, thick leather boots with runes carved inside them to absorb impact from falling at a great height. Equally sturdy black pants that were resistant to tears in case they got caught anything. A belt lined with Muggle devices that could still work under heavy wards in case I couldn't use magic. A dark blue tunic, black leather vest, black leather gloves, and of course the ever important silvery Cloak of Invisibility. I did have a few spare black cloaks that could double as invisibility cloaks, but I loved my Deathly Hallow version best.

Tom was given a similar outfit, swapping out the blue tunic for his favorite color: grey.

When he stepped out into the living room, dressed, I fanned myself. "Take me now."

He chuckled. "But there's no broom cupboard nearby."

That got a very loud unladylike snort out of me as I fought against the desire to cackle. I buried my face in my hands, taking deep breaths before my giggles were under control.

"Oh man," I said, "this is going to be fun."

"I certainly hope so," he said. "Second date and all."

"Oh-ho! Second date now, huh?" I chuckled. "How many more until you put out?"

Tom made a loud hmm sound. "Depends on which rules we're playing by. Common decency would suggest marriage—"

I boo'd.

"—but that's clearly been thrown out the window since the seventies," he finished. "I'm not sure what the standard is now."

"Neither am I," I said. "You know as Prefect I'm supposed to roam the halls, right?"


"You won't believe how many people I've already caught mid-throws in the cupboards. Younger than me! I can't believe I'm not the one getting caught in the cupboards. What a waste."

"How scandalous," he mocked.

"Truly. It's my only flaw," I agreed.

It was Tom's turn to snort.


"Yes, yes. Your only flaw," he patronized.

My lips turned back up in a wicked smile. "Glad you agree. Come on, the night is young and we've much to do!"

"After you," he said, bowing briefly.


Rosier Manor.

It was once Unplottable, but the wards had deteriorated and so it was found by some of my illegal sources.

The current Lord of Rosier was a man named Felix who graduated Hogwarts in the early 1980s—barely a decade older than Harry. Felix did not reside in the manor, contrary to public knowledge, but lived in a flat in London. The man voted more often with the Dark than Neutral or Light, but as far as I could discern he had not joined the Death Eaters, nor did he collude with them.

He was a bigot, but an independent one.

I didn't know why he didn't live in his manor. I paid a hefty sum from Gringotts for the Goblins to disclose that Felix spared no expense to fortify the manor, yet he himself did not choose to reside in it.

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