Year 2 - 4

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My day markedly improved when Draco pulled me aside after lunch to tell me, "Father's got the new brooms."

"Excellent, Draco. Have you already told Professor Snape we'll be donating last year's brooms to the school?"

"Yes," Draco said.

Giving Slytherin the Nimbus Two Thousands last year had been an easy way to curry favor, but seeing the Slytherin Quidditch team in anything other than those sleek black brooms Draco originally got them was plain wrong. After some debilitation, I casually slipped to Draco that perhaps Slytherin should get a new set of brooms this year and donate the old ones last year.

It would look good for Slytherin House to replace the school brooms, after all.

Draco jumped at the chance to show off his wealth and offered to buy Slytherin's new set of brooms himself. I agreed, and the plan was set forward.

"Did he say anything about it?" I asked.

Draco shook his head. "Not really."

"Okay. Good luck in your tryouts tonight."

"I won't need luck," he said with a smirk.

It was such an innocent arrogance. I felt a surge of affection, candle-light warmth igniting in my chest.

With my emotions came the echo of alarm and confusion from Tom. Our magic was carefully woven as he rested inside my mind. We could both catch echoes of how the other one felt—although I did not think Tom was aware that I could translate his magic, and thus he did not know that I knew what he truly felt. I had not disclosed to him I was a magic sensor, and such a thing was rarer than being a Parselmouth apparently.

My wave of friendly endearment for Draco had clearly caught Tom off guard, and his magic recoiled in an almost defensive manner. I could perfectly imagine that his brow would be furrowed in confusion in private. If I were to slip into my mind he would only ever have that angelic poker face smile.

I fondly patted the top of his head. "Your confidence is cute."

His cheeks turned red and he spluttered.


At the end of the day the Slytherins were instructed to meet up in the common room. I had wanted to wait until after our first day back before holding our annual meeting. It was our first annual meeting, technically, but I would make it a tradition.

"I'm glad to see everyone has returned, and I wanted to welcome our first year students," I addressed the Slytherin House in our common room. I stood atop our coffee table in order to do so. Being short had its disadvantages. "Since Insult Night was so popular we will be doing it again this year."

The Slytherins snapped in approval—except the first year students who looked bewildered.

"We have done wonders to improve our public appearance, but we need to step it up a notch," I went on. "Once a week, every week, we must each perform one good deed. A compliment to someone outside our House, or holding a door open, or anything along those lines will do. Failure to comply will result in punishment excluding extenuating circumstances."

Those who had already faced my wrath winced.

One of the first year students, Harper if I remembered correctly, was confused. "Why?"

Pansy Parkinson sneered at the boy. "Because Slytherins are better than narrow minded bullies. Our House has fallen into disgrace. We must correct it."

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