Year 5 - 15

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LOOKIE LOOKIE!! I got my first published fanart for the story!!!! I'm so dang excited. Artwork done by Melo4679_ on Instagram. Please go check out the original post to give it love.

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Returning to Hogwarts was done with little affair. Although as soon as my babeh snakes spotted me they did some double-takes. Daphne and Pansy squealed loudly. Pansy proceeded to then literally kick Draco out of the compartment so Tracey and Millie could squeeze in. I was dumped onto the floor so the girls could play with my hair on the way to Hogwarts. They twisted and tied it into different styles. Daphne temporarily lengthened it with a hair-growing and the girls really went to town on it.

Blaise tried to join in, but there was no room so I had to promise I'd let him play with my hair again after dinner. The girls were giddy with joy over it and their giggles and gleeful squeals brought a smile to my face.

The train ride down was one filled with delight, and the feast was remarkably cheerful. The Slytherins stayed up far too late in the night chatting and playing games that when classes resumed the following day we were tiredly rubbing at our eyes.

The first week back passed by without fuss.

And then I got the Daily Prophet headlines I'd been looking out for.


Oh goody, I thought joyfully as I read the Daily Prophet.

Voldemort had freed his Death Eaters from Azkaban.

All the pieces were on the board.

Yay, yay, yay, I thought with a big smile on my face. Now I won't have to trouble Booboo by killing his charges!

All I needed now was to prepare a trap for Voldemort. Golly gosh what an exciting time.

Not everyone was as happy about the news as I was, but it couldn't be helped. They would need to deal with a little discomfort until I made my move.


Every evening after dinner and before bed, I visited Tom. The boy—young man, I supposed, it was kind of hard how to define our ages since we were both mentally so much older than our physical bodies—was always preoccupied with something when I showed up. He loved inventing new spells and rituals, and had refurbished a portion of the basement to practice his spellcasting.

Voldemort, he had told me, was weakened from being freshly reborn. The next time they crossed paths Voldemort would be better prepared, and so should Tom.

When he wasn't working on his lethality, he dabbled in hobbies. He continued the piano, and had a ravenous appetite for mystery novels, but he also branched out to try different things. His current flavor of the week was trying out the cello.

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