Year 1 - 3

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The first dinner was lovely. The trip to the dungeons was marvelous. I constantly glanced about in wonder at the Hogwarts castle. I was walking in THE Hogwarts. Could you believe it? THE HOGWARTS. My jubilant attitude wouldn't falter throughout the trip to the dungeons. Professor Snape warily eye me several times and I could feel the faint probes of his legilimency attacks. The only thing he saw was my black sea, and from his increasingly frustrated glowers, I knew he knew I knew occlumency.

He also knew I was raised by his hated enemy, Sirius Black.

He definitely suspects me of being a potential hellion.

He was absolutely correct. The amount of sheer pain and suffering I was going to inflict on these baby snakes would be remembered for decades. I was going to be Queen of Slytherin and my subjects were in desperate need of discipline.

How could I refuse?

Was it wrong that I was enjoying my plans so much? Maybe I shouldn't get too invested in the RP.

The Slytherin common room was such a mood. The stone walls had gothic architecture (which I had to guess was redesigned in the gothic era since that style definitely didn't exist pre-Hogwarts) and had a relaxing greenish-blue tint over it since the windows were literally windows to the black lake. It was super cool to have underwater windows and see little things swimming around out there. There was a roaring fireplace with green fire and white leather couches, and—ugh it was amazing.

If the Gryffindor common room was comfy and cozy, then the Slytherin common room was classic evil wizard.

Little sad there wasn't a human skeleton chair.

Note to self: make a human skeleton cha—no. Make a throne out of human bones.

Professor Snape promptly dropped us off at the common room and left before I even had a chance to start teasing him. It was neat that the other Houses had their Head of House lead them. Professor McGonagall was too busy as the Deputy Headmistress to do so.

The Slytherin prefect was a witch named Gemma Farley, and she had pointed out the girl and boy halls, and that each student had their own room. Before anyone was about to head off I cleared my throat. "Excuse me? Could I have everyone's attention?"

"Ooooh. The great Potter wants our attention," mocked one of the upper years.

There was some laughter.

I smiled a type of smile that would have made Sirius turn tail and flee.

"There are going to be changes around here," I said quietly with my chilling smile and forced steel into my tone. Children of Death Eaters or not, they were still children, and I was an adult who had been meticulously planning my takeover of Slytherin for nearly a decade. I was prepared to face their worst opposition, and while my repertoire of spells wasn't nearly as vast as the upper years, I was damned determined to succeed.

It would be a trial, most certainly, but I was prepared for it.

Harry would have enough to deal with. I would not allow him to have to worry about being stabbed in the back while at school. Plus I had some of my own goals for the Slytherin House.

Prejudice had to be adjusted slowly, carefully, and thoughtfully. I couldn't brute force equality without drawing blood, and earning resentment for the sake resentment. If I received too much resistance, I could end up causing more harm than good in the long run.

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