Year 1 - 8

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Professor Snape did indeed throw away my Christmas present for him. I noticed it in the trash bin during my next class with him. He gave me an extra stink eye all day.

Yeesh. At least I tried, I thought. It wasn't terribly surprising he threw it out. Professor Snape had issues out the wazoo. Fenrir was disturbed, but a lot easier for me to understand and anticipate what I needed to do for him. Fenrir was focused on discrimination and wanting to better himself and werewolves. Professor Snape was just a terribly bitter man.

Maybe next year. Surely I can wear him down enough to be a step above deplorable in his eyes.

Exams were easier than expected. Everyone breathed a huge sigh of relief when it was done.

Some might have even cried tears of joy. Mostly the upperclassmen.

And Millicent. She was overjoyed that she knew most of the answers.

With that big hurdle out of the way, I could properly enjoy the remaining time at Hogwarts.

At least until Voldemort and his puppet made their move.


I hadn't been keeping watch on the corridor or anything of the sort. I knew something happened when DADA and all other classes were canceled. I could only conclude one thing: Voldemort made his move.

I bet he ran off with the mirror. That shit shoulda been melted into the ground or something, I thought. Welp, time to go save the day.

Iris draped herself around my neck like a scarf as I headed off to the staff room. I made it a point to know every location in Hogwarts that I could learn about. There were going to be rooms I wouldn't find, or I would miss, but I could at least try. Important stuff like where the teacher's offices were or the staff room felt mandatory.

The staff room could be entered through the Great Hall—in fact, it was the passageway to the left that the professors usually came in from. Nearing the room I heard a lot of raised voices, and when I knocked loudly everyone got quiet real fast.

The door was furiously swung open by an enraged Professor McGonagall.

In my head, she was my adopted grandma so it was worrying to see her so upset. It couldn't have been good for her health. Peering around her I could see the paled faces of all the professors, except Quirrel who was noticeably absent.

"What's wrong?" I asked, amusement in my tone. "Did a certain teacher run off with something valuable?"


"What do you know, Potter?" Professor Snape demanded, his voice sharper than a knife. His complexion had paled considerably. What a shame he through away my gift, it was filled with yummy delights than would have brightened anyone's day.

"Did he?" I asked again, looking at Professor Dumbledore who looked extra stylish in his brown robes with owl-prints on them. I hoped one day to have the confidence to pull off such a look when I reached his age.

"He took the mirror," he answered me, twinkling eyes looking at me with curiosity.T To my delight, I felt no attack or intrusion into my mind. Professor Dumbledore was refraining from using his Legilimency against me. I wasn't sure if that was a mark of favor in my way, or if perhaps he had enough morals to no want to use such an ability on a child.

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