Year 6 - 1

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Hello my lovelies. I have missed you all.

Please read: This is a long / semi-choppy chapter to prep year 6. Also I forgot some extra / bonuses from year 5 so I plopped them in here. :)

Beta: Cloudy


Extra one (during year five):

Tom reached forward and I felt a soft, brief pat on my bum. I turned around and raised an eyebrow in surprise at him. "Testing yourself again?"

"Yes," he said, looking quite pleased with himself.

"Aww. You're so adorable. You wanna pat it again?"

"No. I have reached a good goal," he said.

"Good job," I praised him.

He beamed.


Extra two (during year five, second semester):

It was a quaint morning. Barely morning considering it was three in the morning, but that didn't matter to us. I had stayed up all night checking over Tom's math for some of his own spells, and in turn Tom had reviewed the drafts for some of my original spells. By two-thirty we had the munchies and Sil prepared us a hearty breakfast.

With a proper binder, Tom no longer had a debilitating appetite, but he still had an increased metabolism that meant he had at least three big meals a day. Sometimes four, and if he did a lot of heavy magic-work that day it'd be five.

We chatted while we ate, our conversation starting mild until it transitioned into us.

I was rather sleepy so I honestly wasn't paying much attention until he asked that question.

It startled me, and I stared at him for several seconds as I processed what he wanted to know.

"Uh..." I decided to buy myself some time by drinking some pumpkin chai milk tea. "Tom, you—er—you're under no obligation to satisfy me."

Tom raised an eyebrow at that. "But—"

"I—I've got two hands, and the capability of buying a couple of magazines," I said firmly. "I don't—er—require you to commit to that."

Tom's face screwed up. "Then you're getting gratification from someone other than me."

"I suppose technically yes."

His expression soured darkly and he stabbed rather viciously at his eggs. When he remained silent for another two minutes, I said, "I can't read your mind, dear. What's wrong?"

"I don't want you to be satisfied with anyone else," he said plainly, sullenly poking at his breakfast.

Not surprising given his inherently controlling nature.

"Well," I said, taking another sip from my tea, "what would you like me to do?"

He pursed his lips. "Come to me. That should be obvious, shouldn't it?"

"Nope," I said. "Neither of us knows your comfort zone."

"I'm not inept, Rosie."

"That's good," I purred flirtatiously out of reflex.

"Just—come to me," he said. "We'll make a—a—night of it."

"A whole night? Oh my." I peered at him. "Are you sure?"

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