Year 5 - 9

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Tom lingered in my head for another day before I was able to sneak out and rebuild his body again. Life resumed to normalcy in the following week with lots of planned bullying.

On Wednesday, Daphne and I chatted with Pansy and Tracey in the common room. There weren't many other students in the common room, so it had been a quiet place to work. The noises of the lake and the enchanted fireplace made for such a marvelous ambience. In the spirit of melodrama and scheming we dimmed all the lights and used only a handful of candles.

We were also wearing all black robes with our hoods pulled up. Had any other witch or wizard outside of Slytherin walked in on us, they would have thought us an evil cult planning world domination.

It was great.

"Ooo, what if we do a hair swap?" Pansy asked excitedly.

"I love Daphne's hair though," I protested. How could anyone get upset with Daphne's hair—or my hair for that matter? We had some awesome hair.

"Yeah they both have nice hair, I don't think that'll be mean enough," agreed Tracey.

"I want to trip down some stairs and have Harry catch me," said Daphne wistfully. "I've never been caught before."

"I think we can manage that," I said. "We should probably enchant your undies with some cushioning spells just in case."

Pansy gasped. "Oh my gosh, you know that play—Bellingtons?"

Tracey and Daphne squealed. I vaguely remembered it was a Wizard play. Sirius and Remus weren't one for theater, we had never gone. I had heard about it second-hand from the girls and a few of my alliances. Some kind of messy love story—instead of a love triangle it was a hexagon with a lot of intersections.

Daphne put a hand over her mouth. "That scene with Dwear?"


"I'm afraid I haven't seen the play," I admitted to the girls.

"Dwear's the antagonist," Pansy rushed to explain. Her excitement caused her words to slur together as she breathlessly recited the story to me. "He fell in love with the fairy princess but because she was the daughter of a maid at the palace she wasn't good enough for him. He cast her out, but then she fell into the arms of the heroic Wizard."

"Ah. Daphne is the fairy princess and Harry is the heroic wizard," I concluded. "Okay, who's Dwear?"

Pansy and Tracey exchanged looks.

"Why don't you both share the role?" I suggested. "Daphne's a fair bit of a challenge to face in class, so it'd make more sense if you 'harassed' as a group."

"Ooo. That's a good point. Millie, can you come here please?" Tracey called out to Millicent who was watching Blaise paint one of her sketches. Millie had been steadily working on her passion to be a dragon tamer, and it evolved into a lot of doodles in her notebook. Over the summer she got more serious about her doodles and had proven to have a talent for sketches. Blaise, already an artfully gifted young man, promised to color in her favorite sketches.

She hurried over to us, her dark curls bouncing with each step.

She, like Neville, flourished well from prolonged exercise and healthy friendships. She was a tall girl—the tallest among us. She retained her muscles well, although the school robes hid them most of the time. In another life I feel she would have made a marvelous warrior princess. In this life she'd have to settle for dragon wrangler.

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