Year 6 - 5

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WEEEEEEEEEEEE. I chugged a large expresso right before I wrote this chapter. :D


Harry and I were escorted to Grimmauld's Place with the Weasley family for our Christmas break. It was surprising that Sirius wasn't there to greet us, but that explanation came barely thirty minutes after we got home.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS MOLLY!" Sirius hollered, hoisting a moving burlap sack over his shoulders.

He dumped the sack onto the couch. He pulled it down to reveal the head of a disheveled Percy.

"You KIDNAPPED ME!" Percy shouted, struggling to get out the bag.

"Yep. You're staying with us for Christmas and only then will you get your wand back," said Sirius happily. He kissed the top of Percy's head. "You rule-abiding prat. Accept our love."

"Percy!" squealed Molly, rushing into the room to embrace her wayward son who turned red in the face. "Oh Sirius, bless you."

"Anything for one of my favorite witches," said Sirius, patting her on the back. "Speaking of which—ah! There's my unicorn princess."

I threw my trunk at him. It knocked him down the very same way that big ass unicorn did my first Christmas at Hogwarts.

Beautiful retribution.


Christmas Eve was a bit of a mess. A glorious drunken mess. Sirius went shot for shot with the twins, and roped Remus, Arthur, and Molly into arguably too much alcohol as well. Bill and Fleur were a little reluctant, but I mean you just can't say no to a charming drunk Sirius so they got hammered. Percy gave up resisting an hour in. Then Tonks showed up, realized she was the last sober adult and proceeded to drink twice as much to catch up.

The result was a house filled with drunk adults and a sober Ginny, Ron, Harry, and I left to watch the madness.

"Ah fuck it," I said, grabbing a bottle.

"Rosie no," Harry admonished.

"Paddy can I get drunk?"

"Sure," he hiccuped.

I shot Harry a victorious look.

"Bollocks," he sighed, grabbing a bottle himself.

"Are you drinking too?" asked Ron with a raised eyebrow.

"She's my twin." / "He's my twin."

"We get drunk together," we said in synch, raising a bottle of firewhiskey together then chugging.

Magical booze didn't taste like Muggle booze. Certainly didn't need to acquire a taste for it as it went down like liquid candy.

Therefore, it was ridiculously easy to get drunk on magical booze.

"No, stop," cried out Remus when he saw Harry and I chugging.

"Too late," I hiccuped.

"Damn it S—S—S—you," cried Remus, jabbing a finger at Sirius which made our godfather cackle.

"You're too dr—drunk to even s—say my name," he laughed.

And that was the last thing I remembered.


I woke up with a pounding headache the following morning. The world spun around me as I slowly sat up, blearily looking around me. It took several seconds of concentration before I recognized my home at Lunar's Orchid, and that I was in bed with a very tired Tom.

Harry Potter and the Bucket ListOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora