Chapter 1: Beginning

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I woke up by the sun coming through the blinds.

I mean at least it's better than waking from you're alarm clock blaring in your face.

Today is just a normal day for me but I don't really like going to school. So i just thought that I'd skip school. At least i have my own reasons and i mean who likes school?

All i wanna do is spend time with my lovely mum. Oh? My mum, yeah, well it's kinda complicated.

Today since it's Friday I'm going to visit my mum, well, in a hospital but not just any hospitals.

It's that kind of hospital that the patients have mental illnesses. Psychiatric hospital, yeah that's it. You're wondering why? Okay.

When i was just a kid i loved my mum, of course until now still, I remembered her being nice but suddenly she's angry and she's crying.

I was so confused but i never really thought about it to be so serious. I just thought that it's normal feelings.

Up until when i was 12 i woke up from the sounds of glass shattering, it was from beer bottles because that time she's been trying to be plastered every single day.

So i went downstairs and i ask her what's happening but when she turned around and she saw me, she smashed the bottle on my right eyebrow and that's how i got my scar.

I ran upstairs as she started crying and following me behind. I locked my room door as soon as i got there, scared for my mum and life.

I called 911 and told the dispatcher what happened. The dispatcher told me to stay in my room and wait until the police got there.

So i waited and waited and cried and cried as i hear my mum bang on my door crying too.

It was until i heard sirens and the door crashing downstairs. I covered my ears and listened to the muffled screams.

Someone busted my door and said that it's all okay. They stitched my wound and told me what will happen.

They said that they will ask my mum questions and update me about it. They brought me in the nearest adoption center.

It was okay, the place is really nice, i got my own room, the staff are really nice too because, well they're all Nun's.

The next day, the police officers wants to see me. They said that my mum is confine in a psychiatric hospital and said that she's bipolar and has major depressive disorder.

I'm still wondering how and why. But since I've never seen my father I just thought it's because of him.

Once i became 16, i was so happy because I can have my own life, I can choose to leave the place or wait until people adopt me. But guess what?, of course, i chose to have my own life. But that time I still worked on that adoption center. But of course i already have my own apartment.

Once I've got enough money I changed my job and worked as a waiter on a coffee shop and I like it since they payed me more money.

I started to go to school. I payed my enrollment and all of my fees. I'm so happy because I'm on my own. I mean living with no parents is just so amazing. No rules, no curfew, no parents things!

Like i can get laid every other night-

But I'm not into that stuff, but still it happened once, and I refuse to do a story time for that.

And yes it is I, George, and my life? Is kinda crazy.


I went downstairs and made food for me and for my mum. I made a sandwich that has ham, lettuce, and for the cherry on top mayonnaise. I mean everybody loves mayo, right?

I grabbed a topper ware and put my homemade sandwich in it.

I took a warm shower and once i was done I brushed my teeth.

Since I'm not going to school, I just wore gray sweatpants and a juniper green T-shirt.

I grabbed my keys and went on my way to mum. I stopped on the red light and I decided to play some music. I sang along the lyrics screaming at the top of my lungs and got some weird looks from the other cars.

I'm actually not really good at singing. I kid-you-not, but I sound like a dying donkey,but since it's just me I'm okay with it.

I arrived at the hospital and walked in I went to right my name on the log in papers.

When i was done i walked through the hallways and said hi's to the staff, since I've always been here every Saturday's some of them ask why I decided to visit this day.

I went to stand on the front of the door of room 403. I sighed and slowly open the door in front of me, and there she was sitting on a wheelchair staring at the window with a blank expression.

I said hi to her and when she saw me her face lit up. "I missed you so much" she hugged me. "Mum I literally visited you a day early" I giggled. I handed her the sandwich that I made and she munched on it happily.

We talk about things that happened in my life since then, we talked about my crush and her telling me how much she missed me.

As the day went on, i have to leave because it was getting pretty late. So we said our goodbyes and breakdowns, well my mum did, so i just waited for her to sleep.

Once she's asleep I kissed her forehead and left. I went home and watched some horror movies until i fell asleep.

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