Chapter 8: Friday Night

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The week went on, as usual. More home works and shit. It's finally Friday night. I went to the window, I flip the curtains out of the way and looked outside. I looked at the warm lights of the street lights, some flickering looking like a lost fire fly. It was cold outside. I looked up to the stars and immediately remembered the memories last week. The way he carefully caress my cheek and his soft pink lips on mine, both dancing in sync. I can finally hangout with my lovely boyfriend. The thought gave me thrills.

We had plans together this weekend and today he's gonna come over to my house. I texted him and asked when he's gonna come over. His response is 'On my way!'.

Happiness filled my whole entire body as I imagine him and I cuddling on the couch, giving gentle kisses at each other, and saying I love you's. This happens to me every time I think of him. He always gives me serotonin.

I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth because I don't want to smell bad when I'm with Clay. I mean who wants to smell bad in front of their boyfriend? Exactly, No one.

When I finished, I cleaned the house for a little bit and as I put the vacuum down, I heard the doorbell rang. I rushed in into the front door, feet making a thump noises as it hit the wooden floor. I opened the door and wrapped my arms around the tall man.

As I looked up to the person in front of me, red stains spread across my cheeks in a flash. It was the pizza delivery guy. Well that was awkward as heck.

"Uhm, six (6) dollars" the man said and handed the two (2) pizza box the I ordered. Flashing me with an awkward smile.

"Oh!- uhm- yeah-" I stuttered and gave him two ruffled five(5) dollars with shaky hands and told him to keep the change.

I walked into my house, letting out a deep breath not knowing that I was holding it in. I went into the white kitchen island and placed the two(2) boxes of pizza. I started to laugh at how stupid I am. I really have to control my feelings, huh?

I sat there and waited for five(5) minutes and the doorbell rang, again. I walked into the door and opened the door slowly peeking out first before opening the door widely, and fortunately it's Clay this time.

"Hey babe!" He said and quickly wrap me with his warm arms and gave me kisses all around my face.

"Hi!" I said and tightly hugged him back. We stepped inside and went to the couch to cuddle.

I went to grab the remote and gave it to Clay. "Pick a movie, I don't care" I said and snuggled into his warm arms. I sighed in content. This is all I wanted, and i have it.


Time passed by and we decided to eat the pizzas. I remembered the pizza guy as I opened the box. I felt my cheeks heating up out of embarrassment. That was so awkward, holy shit.

We sat at the island stools and munch on our pizzas, in a comfortable silence. When we finished eating we went back to the couch and continued watching the movie.

I looked at him and he looked back at me, so now we're looking into each other's eyes. I gave him pecks
on the lips, cheeks, and forehead. He cheekily smiled.

"What was that for?" He said, still smiling.

"Oh you don't like it?" I said. "Fine then, I will never kiss you again" I sassed, waving my hand dramatically.

"What?" He said chuckling "okay-" and went to kiss me on the lips. I deepened the and he did too. Rhapsodies came rushing into me, promptly and butterflies fluttering aggressively in my tummy.

He rubbed my thighs gently and I wrapped my arms around his neck, slightly tugging into his soft hairs. He stopped and instead went on my neck. He started giving me love bites trailing around my jawline and neck.

"Mhm~" I moaned as he kissed my sweet spot. He noticed me and started sucking the spot, aggressively. I let out a few quite moans, and we went back to making out. His tongue swiftly moving into my mouth, exploring and lot leaving a single crevice.

He pulled away and smiled at me, lips pink from the make out session and gave me a small peck.

"I love you so much, Georgie" He said with literal heart eyes.

"I love you more, babe" I smiled softly and it's my turn to give him a peck on the lips, so I did.

We continued watching the movie and cuddled more. Since it's getting late, my eyes felt heavy and finally making me fall into sleep. But before that I heard Clay whisper "good night" and kissed me in the forehead.

He grabbed the remote and turned the TV off. He rest his head on top of mine, sighing and together, we fell asleep in a matter of seconds.

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