Chapter 3: School

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I woke up from my alarm blaring right on my face. 'Ugh stupid alarm' I mumbly to myself. I let out a groan while standing up and adjusting to the sun light. I stand up too fast for my body and saw stars.

Time to go to school. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed my milk and cereal. I sat on the stool eating my breakfast mindlessly and looking into nothing.

Once I was done I did my usual morning routine. I wore my coral pink hoodie. Who cares I like pink. Colors have no genders, right?

I went to grab my keys and they jingle as I walked happily into my car and drove to school. I listened to some musics and chill while driving, slightly tapping my fingers on the steering wheel when my favorite songs comes up.

I arrived at school around quarter to seven(7). I walked through the hallways. The white lights shining brightly into my porcelain skin and made some moving shadow as i walked by. I went to the lockers room and saw Sapnap! My best friend I tightly hugged him from the back and he turned around to hug me back. We pulled away and I greeted him.

"Good morning, Sapnap" I said trying to start a conversation. Displaying a big smile on my face.

"What's up, Dude!" He responded.

"I don't know? The ceiling?" I joked, looking up at the white ceiling.

"Haha, funny" Sapnap rolled his eyes and slapped my shoulder. It was a harmless and a friendly slap.

"Ready to go to class?" I asked him boringly as I didn't want to go to class myself.

He scoffed and rolled his eyes playfully."We're late". He said it like it's nothing important.

"WHAT OH MY GOD HOW?!" I exclaimed with panic in my voice. How?! It was just quarter to seven (7) and now we're already late? Are we still on Earth. Since the time goes by so fast, we need to catch it.

So I dragged Sapnap by the wrist and we ran down the hallway. Since we're classmates I'm not that worried of being late because I'll have my detention buddy but still, I have to go fast.

So we ran down the hallway but because I'm me and being myself, panicking, and being dumb I bumped into someone. The person was taken a back from the force.

"Oh my fucking god!, I'm so sorry!" I looked up to the guy to just see him, Clay. Yeah!, who would've thought.

His blonde locks waved as he lolls his head to the side. He slightly shook his head probably face palming, mentally. His white tee was a bit see through so I can see a little bit of the six packs he had. And the time felt like it went slow. His beautiful golden eyes. He looked really dreamy. He cleared his throat and I noticed that i was staring so I broke the contact.

"It's fine just be careful next time" he said with a little bit of annoyance in his voice. It's pretty clear that he's just trying to be nice, but I still appreciate it.

I nodded and continued in my way. Sapnap following behind.

"That's so scary!" I said to sapnap, putting a palm in my chest like i just got the worst heart attack that has ever occurred in the whole world.

"Dude that's you're crush!" Jumping giddily like what he just said was normal.

I stopped on my tracks and was surprised on what he just said. I never told him who my crush is. Is it that obvious?

"Excuse me?, uhh, what in the actual fuck?" I said, a hint of confusion and annoyance in my voice.

"It's so obvious" he rolled his eyes. Oh, of course it was.

'Oh goodness gracious!' I thought. Closing my eyes tightly and pinching the bridge of my nose from my obtuseness. I have no plans on doing or saying who my crush is to anyone- well, except for my mum- for obvious reasons.

"Dude we're ten fucking minutes late!" He whispered-shout and tapping his watch, making me look at it.

I remembered our class. Shit. My eyes widened and I grabbed sapnap's wrist again and ran. I felt the cold air from the air conditioner passed by my face and my brown like black soft hair bouncing up and down as I hit the floor with my feet and slightly bounce. The spike of my shoes echoing through the empty hallway.

As we're halfway through our class. Sapnap tripped face planted on the floor because of his shoelace.

"Dude, what the fuck!" He groaned, pushing his self up with hi elbows.

"Oh my god just come on!" I stomped, annoyed and grabbed his wrist tightly not waiting for him to get his balance.

"You're such a clumsy bitch!" I added.


Here we are in front of our classroom door. We heard shouting from the inside. It was full of chaos. We looked at eachother, confusion in our eyes.

We stepped inside and saw our classmates shouting, using their phones, and making TikTok videos. I can't help but wince at the sight and the annoying noises that they were making.

We ask one of our classmates, Jack.

"where's the teacher?" I asked

"Oh, she's on day off because apparently her mom finally died" he said, clasping his hands together with a hint of happiness in his voice.  It made me feel eerie as I saw his bright and enthusiastic smile.

'What' I mumbled to Sapnap. This kid is a psychopath.

We're still thankful that our teacher was not here though.

Other classes went by. 'I hate school so much' I thought. I was always watching the clock tick waiting for lunch time. I don't listen to the lessons because I still get the topics. I don't know what's in me or maybe I'm just a genius, but I like it. I looked around at everyone and saw my classmates sketching something on their books, some are eating and hiding the bag under their desk, some are using their phones and taking a selfie under the table and some are listening into the annoying voice of our English teacher, pathetic.

30 minutes later. Finally, it's lunch time! Yay!

I grabbed my bag, swinging it on my right shoulder and felt the mass of my notebooks and books, took over my shoulder. I stand by the door waiting for Sapnap to come out and watch the other people came rushing out, talking to someone or who is alone.

When he finally got out, he looked at me and flinch, not expecting me by the door. I just laughed it off and went on our way to the school cafeteria.

I stepped into the cafeteria and my eyes quickly landed onto the one and only Clay of the school. He's sitting with his chicks as always, making out with each and one of them.

We went to find a table to sit into. I put my backpack beside me and have Sapnap sit across the table. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through social media.

While scrolling I could swear that someone was staring at me. I looked around and froze when I saw Clay staring at me. He noticed me and his lips twitched upwards into a sly grin. Oh my god, he's so hot.

My eyes went wide and I felt my cheeks went hot. I turned around and continued to look at my phone to hide the pink stains in my cheeks. Sapnap looked at me with confusion but i just shrugged it off.

The bell went on and I've never been so fast in my life to just get out of that place.

We went back to finish the rest of our classes.

As the day went on, it's finally the time where we go back to our respective homes.

But who am i kidding? Of course I'm not going back to my house. I have work to do.

I bid my farewells to Sapnap and went into my car to drive to my work place, The Coffee Shop.

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