Chapter 20: Goodbye

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Dream's pov

It has been a week since that incident happened.

And today is the last goodbye.

They couldn't save George. That night was the night that I hated the most. I looked down at that bridge looking at the people who's in a boat or in the water. People looked sad. They looked sorry for us. I looked around that deep water, wanting to see any sign of my lover. I sat there, my back against those rusty railings. Head buried in my hands, regretting everything as Sapnap kept rubbing circles on my back, comforting me.

Once I heard shouting, I shot up to look and there I saw George getting in the rescue boat. He looked... lifeless. Unconscious. Dead.

When I saw the people brought George on that bridge letting his back lay flat on the cement and paramedics trying to bring him back. The other doing the CPR on him. Others trying to get supplies from the ambulance. I couldn't stop my tears from falling. I kept convincing myself that he's fine. That he's alive.

I hate myself, this is all my fault. If only I had took a care on that party this would've not happened. Time passed by one(1) paramedic go up to me and still saw George laying flat, unconscious. Their face plastered with concern and sorrow. I already knew what was coming.

Sapnap was also there trying to hold me back so I won't run up into George.

I saw them put George into a black bag and zipped the locks, taking George's pale face out of my sight.

George is dead, I cannot believe it.

I never even met his mother. I never knew about his mother. I wish I could've met her, at least.

And his mom also died on the same day. I'm happy for him, at last, he got peace and that one reason healed my broken heart a little.

The ceremony is now done and I saw Sapnap walked into George's and George's mum's deathbed. Bawling his eyes out. He walked back and when it's my turn I couldn't help but feel hurt. I hurt him, the love of my life.

I wished I could've stopped this but it's too late. I walked into George's mum's death bed apologizing for everything.

"I'm sorry, I didn't protected your son" I said.

"I'm sorry I hurt him. I'm so so sorry" I apologized eyes started to tear up as I felt my body being consumed by pain.

I walked up to George's deathbed. I saw him laying on it, he looked so peaceful. I remembered that night when I saw him fall under the cold breeze. I wish I could've saved him.

I never knew what to do. I didn't know if I should've I jumped or if I should I call for help. And of course. I chose the second one. I know he's not gonna be happy if I jumped.

I held my hand out and caress his cheek. The amount of powder make up sticks into my thumb. His beautiful face was covered with make up. He looked alive, but unfortunately it was because of the help of make up. My life wouldn't be the same again without him.

I watched him lay there, breathless. I wonder where he is right now. Probably, looking at me from above. I leaned in and met my lips with his cold forehead.

I couldn't stop myself from crying as I thought that this is the last time that I'd see his beautiful face, this is it. More and more tears come out from my eyeballs. I wiped out the tears that fell onto George's face and stood up and also my wiped my own tears. But it obviously wasn't necessary as more tears came. I wanted him to be with me till last breath. I imagined him and me on the front porch sitting, holding hands, stupidly smiling at each other. Eyes and skin wrinkling from aging and hairs faded into gray. But unfortunately it wasn't going to happen because I fucked it all up.

I stood there looking down at George, didn't want to accept that this is it. But I unfortunately have to. I looked at him with sad eyes, brimming with tears and said my last words,

"In another lifetime, idiot" I said to George's life less body and smiled softly. I can hear George's cute giggles in my head as I said that. I imagined him punching my shoulder playfully and pouting because of the nickname.

I stepped back and closed the casket and threw a white rose as the people lowered his casket into the dugged hole.

I walked back to Sapnap and we hugged eachother, comforting each other and should've taken our own advice as me and sapnap cried more from the comforting words because we know that it's not going to be okay. At least for the meantime.

I looked back and the people are now placing back the dirt on top of George's deathbed. All I could do was stare and cry. And that's it, it's all done.

'In another lifetime'

And that is a wrap for this book. THANK YOU FOR 100 VIEWS I FINALLY GOT MY GOAL AS THE LAST CHAPTER WAS OUT THANK YOU FOR THE VOTES I REALLY APPRECIATE IT SO MUCH💖💖💖It wasn't the best but I'll try to be better in future books. I'm so happy :')

And remember that you are VALID

bye bye see you in another Book😩😉

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