Chapter 20

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"Nari, what happened?" Sofia stood in front of her, and she beckoned Nari to come closer. Nari did, and she leaned into the hug Sofia offered. "What happened to Yoongi?"

"I had to tell him what Dohyun told me. I had to tell him why his wife died." Nari's words were muffled in Sofia's shoulder since she was too afraid to speak them clearly into the open hallway. She was vaguely aware of Taehyung listening from the other end, but she paid him no mind.

Sofia only hummed in response, unable to come up with the words to offer Nari or Yoongi or Eunjin any comfort. Finally, she said, "Let me take you to Jungkook. Ana almost has everything reversed."

She guided Nari towards her bedroom, but when they passed Taehyung, he held his hand out to stop them.

"It should have waited, Nari. You do not know the vulnerability Eunjin has been displaying because Yoongi cannot let go. She destroyed a building all because your stupid boyfriend egged Yoongi on into breaking her heart further." He took a small breath and pinched the bridge of his nose. "It should have waited."

Nari regarded him for a moment. "Tae, I know you're worried for both of them." She ignored his scoff. "But I think this will help him let go."

Before Taehyung could chastise her further, she dragged Sofia down the hall. She ignored the sounds of crying and shuffling and conversations coming from the various rooms. She needed to check on Sam and Jina to see how they were holding up, and she needed to find her brother. There were too many things to do, but the moment she finally set her eyes on Jungkook lying weakly in their bed, the concern for everyone else vanished.

"Hey, princess." He smiled and held his hand out to beckon her closer. Sofia let her go so she could move forward. "What's wrong?"

Was she crying again? She wouldn't be surprised if she was, but she also considered that Jungkook just knew her facial expressions so well by now.

"Dohyun knew the elves were in Min Manor the night Hana was taken," she whispered to him.

"And you told Yoongi?" He didn't sound disappointed in her, so she feebly nodded her head.

"Eunjin is with him," she explained as she sat next to him. "Can you move now?"

"A little. It'll take a little more time for me to come back fully, but Ana worked her magic."

Nari laughed a little, and she leaned forward to kiss him. She heard the door shut, and she took the opportunity to lay with Jungkook. They were spiraling deeper into a war, and she knew opportunities like this one were going to be slim.

"Jungkook," she whispered as she cuddled into his side. "We are going to have a daughter."

A smile broke across his face. "A girl," he said. "My little girl." He placed a hand on her stomach and rubbed gently. "She will be a force to be reckoned with. She will more terrifying than Eunjin could ever dream of being."

Nari's laugh was loud and bright, and Jungkook's grin only got wider at the sound. "She will be ruthless like her father," she said.

"No, she will be like her mother. I don't have to see the future to know that."


Amarian looked solemnly at the dying vampire. He had tried everything he could think of, but nothing helped. No amount of blood, no amount of spells, and no amount of pure willpower could heal Kwangsun.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly. "The stab from a Phoenix is deadly, and I'm not powerful enough to fix it."

Hoseok held tightly onto Jina and Sam as they continued to cry, and he nodded his head at Amarian. "You did everything you could," he told him.

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