Chapter 22

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Hoseok could hear the sounds and feel the shock from some of the others in the manor, but he dared not investigate. Sam, Jina, and Shin needed him, and so he continued to watch them grip and Kwangsun's hands in desperation. There was nothing they could do; he wasn't going to survive much longer at all.

Hoseok guessed they had minutes left. Someone needed to prepare the burial site so the grief wouldn't last longer than it needed to.

"Jina." Hoseok said her name with so much tenderness that it almost caused her to cry. He touched her back, and she leaned away from the bed and into his touch. "We need to prepare."

"Sungjung should be here," was all she said in response. However, they both knew Sungjung would never make it back in time, and they couldn't do to Kwangsun's body what they did to Jimin's.

"I know. I wish I could bring her back in time." Hoseok meant those words. If he could run to the city, break them out, and be back before Kwangsun was gone for good, he would do it. But he couldn't.

Shin stood from where he was crouched beside the bed. "I should prepare the site."

"Shin, please-" Jina reached for him, but he stepped to the side to avoid her touch.

"It's what I'm best at. I prepared your brother's, and now I will prepare Sam's brother's." He looked down at Sam who was silently crying. "Kwangsun will go so peacefully. There will be no more pain."

Sam only nodded, and Shin took that as his cue to leave. Once the door was shut again, Sam said, "Distract me. Please."

"What do you think they're freaking out about now?" Hoseok decided to ask.

The corner of Jina's mouth lifted in the hint of a smile. "Yoongi probably laughed."

"That's a good one, Jina. Sam, what's your guess?"

"Taehyung didn't have a snarky remark."

"Another good guess, but I don't think that would ever happen." Hoseok tapped at his chin and hummed in thought. "I think Jungkook rejected some type of demented war plan."

Jina barked out a laugh at that. "Jeon Jungkook would never reject a demented war plan!"

Sam chuckled a little, and the atmosphere was a little brighter. But then it began. The final moments of Kwangsun finally passed, and everything became still. All of the energy was sucked out of the room, and Sam felt that absence tear at his chest. He looked at his brother's lifeless form, and he felt so hopeless.

And then there was the grief. It came suddenly, and it racked his body in a way he had never felt before. A sob ripped from his throat, and his cry was so heartbreaking to hear.

The rest of the manor stilled. Whatever shock and excitement that was felt before was completely gone. There was alertness at the sound of Sam's cry.

In the parlor, Eunjin stopped poking at Yoongi's face. Jungkook stopped focusing on Jimin's every move. Taehyung stopped trying to trip Seokjin.

Amarian, Ana, and Nari stopped discussing their next steps. Everyone seemed to pause. They were statues just barely being witness to Sam's grief.

Areum was the one who entered the room shortly after his cry ended. She was the one to pull him gently away from the bedside. She was the one to take Jina's hand and squeeze it in that small comfort that she could offer.

Hoseok just stood frozen because instead of grief, he felt guilt. Kwangsun stood in front of him fully knowing what he was saving him from. How could he live with that knowledge?

He finally felt fire, but it was all in his chest. His eyes glazed in soft hues of red and black as if even they were confused of the emotions Hoseok was going through. He had nothing to offer Sam and Jina. He would have nothing to offer Sungjung when she finally returned.

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