Chapter 1

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"We haven't done this in a while," Jungkook said as he laid next to Nari. She was dreaming of the sunlight, and they both watched the light filter through the trees. Komorebi. "You miss it." It wasn't a question. He knew how much she had been missing the sunlight even if she never said it aloud.

"I suppose so, yeah. It's a weird thing to reminisce on. I never appreciated it enough when I was human." Her voice was soft and quiet. It lifted with the slight breeze that brushed across their faces.

He turned to face her. "Not many humans know that they should appreciate it. Song Jihae was just a human."

She simply hummed in response and closed her eyes. They both laid there in silence; he just watched her, and she basked in the warmth of the sun. Her dream was relaxing, a much needed break from the chaos they would wake up to.

"Let's just stay asleep," he whispered. "I don't want to hear Taehyung start bitching again."

She laughed at that. Taehyung had done nothing but complain over the smallest things, and everyone in the manor was ready to wring his neck. She knew why he was acting out though; he was just trying to mask his grief. He wanted to push everyone's focus onto anything else that wasn't him.

He had told her he expected to be over it all by now. She told him that it had only been three weeks. It didn't help that Daliania didn't get a burial. She was burned, so all of the emotions surrounding her death would remain raw for him. She told him that it was very human to grieve for the remainder of his life, but he didn't like that explanation.

"He's hurting, Kook." She opened her eyes and just looked at him. He was beautiful in the darkness, but he was absolutely breathtaking in the sunlight. She felt a pang in her chest that she would only see him like this in her dreams, assuming she continued to dream of the sun.

"I wish he wouldn't." Jungkook's words weren't bitter. He was just honest. It wasn't that he didn't understand Taehyung's pain, because all of them did, it was just that he felt Daliania wasn't worth loving or grieving over. But he had no control over fate or destiny or whatever the fuck it was that made Taehyung fall so deeply in love with someone so vile.

"That's how we all feel, but there's nothing any of us can do about it."

"Let's change the subject. I'm tired of all of them. I'm tired of everything. I just want to be here with you in the sun. Is that too much to ask?" He nudged her playfully, and she smacked his stomach.

"It would be too much to ask considering if this were real, we'd both be burning." They both smiled at each other. They leaned in for a kiss, but a loud banging startled them apart. "What the fuck is that?" Nari asked quickly.

"I believe that is our bedroom door, princess. Time to wake up to murder whoever is on the other side." Jungkook groaned, and then he was gone. She laid there alone for a moment, slowly falling back into a state of full dream-sleep, but then she was awoken by Jungkook shaking her.

"What is it?" She mumbled out sleepily. "Who is at the door?"

"Your brother." Jungkook rolled his eyes and stepped aside to show a very wide-eyed Namjoon.

"Nari, I had a dream about Yoongi. He is alive; I know he is. Eunjin was right, and we have to find him. I need you to wake up and locate him-" He was speaking so fast until Jungkook cut him off.

"Namjoon, this can wait until nightfall. We need sleep. We've done nothing but renovate and reinforce this entire manor for three weeks." Jungkook was firm but kind. He loved Namjoon like a brother, and he'd do anything to keep him and Nari happy. But they needed sleep. They wouldn't be able to do anything until the sun went down anyway, and they might as well wait until everyone else is awake.

Eternal Soul | BTS Supernatural AU Book 2Where stories live. Discover now