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Darkness enveloped the trees as he looked down upon the seven vampires and two half breeds. They were squirming, and he liked it when they squirmed. The overwhelming panic of them not knowing what or where he was shot through him with a thrill for the hunt.

"Something doesn't feel right," the smallest vampire said. Her voice carried to his ears, and his smile turned wicked and terrifying. "It doesn't feel like the presence of a creature I know."

"What do you mean?" The half breed was obviously stupid, and he decided quickly that should would remain in the magical world. She would be useless to him.

One of the other vampires answered the dumb one. "Each creature has a distinct presence. You will learn to tell the difference the more you end up around other creatures." So this half breed was new? It didn't matter to him, though; she would still be useless. The vampire continued on. "Hoseok, I know this is a tough subject, but do you know what it was that was taking members of your clan? Did you ever find any clues to figuring it out?"

Who should he take? It had been so long since he'd last taken one. The vampires residing on these lands rarely left, and he was becoming bored. But there they were. Nine of them just for him.

He moved with shadows as he swooped down just to hover on a lonely branch right above their unsuspecting heads. He held in his laughter at the recognition of the oh-so-wonderful vampire clan leader who was telling the others all about what had happened before.

"No. There was nothing to indicate a struggle. They just vanished into thin air," the one called Hoseok told them.

There it was, the slight trimmer in the vampire's voice. That fear that gave him such a high. They were all now thinking up a strategy to stick together, and he knew this was the perfect chance.

With barely a breath, he had grabbed the vampire closest to the tree, and he soon disappeared into the distance back to the doorway to his world. He dragged the struggling vampire through the tree's doorway, and soon enough, the magical world was shut away to him.

They never saw it coming, and that was his favorite part.

Eternal Soul | BTS Supernatural AU Book 2Where stories live. Discover now