Chapter 24

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It was his favorite thing; the chase. Kim Nari laid a very good trap in his mind, but he was better than her in all ways. He broke free of that prison, and he began formulating his next steps.

It didn't matter to him what happened to the half breed and her precious clan. He only wanted that baby, and he would ensure that her abilities would be utilized to the fullest.

He stood up from the corner of the room he was crouched in and laughed to himself. He could already feel her power radiating even through the land of the Phoenix.

"Soon, little one," he muttered into the darkness.


"The sun is rising," Jungkook said to Nari.

She was curled under the covers of their bed but immediately straightened at his words. "I need to look for them," she said quickly.

But Jungkook shushed her and sat next to her. "There's nothing we can do." His words only amplified her anxiety, but he was right. There was nothing they could do.

Mere seconds had passed that felt like hours before Jungkook shot out of bed and towards their door. Nari followed him, but he moved just a little too fast for her. She didn't need to follow him, however. The bright flash of golden light seeped through the hallways, and she knew instantly what was happening.

"Jungkook!" She yelled after him as he rounded a corner. She was practically laughing in relief and excitement when he slowed a little for her to catch up to him. "Why do I ever doubt my brother?" She asked as she grabbed his outstretched hand.

"Because he's an idiot."

They stopped at the entryway to the manor to find Namjoon clutching tightly onto Sungjung as if to shield her from something. It was as if everything else was delayed. Jungkook and Nari only saw them there, and then their senses were slammed into suddenly by the smell of burnt flesh and Sungjung's cries of intense pain. Namjoon made no moves to let her go; he only gripped tighter as he cried out his apologies to her.

Namjoon didn't even realize where they were. When he felt hands grip him to pry him away from her, he lashed out causing searing pain to whomever he touched, but familiar cries brought him back to reality. The sun was replaced by soft lights of a familiar entryway, and the prophets trying to kill them were replaced by a seething Jungkook and screaming Nari.

Namjoon blinked slowly before releasing Sungjung. Seokjin was there moving her away from him, and he barely registered the gentle words of ease Seokjin was muttering to her as he guided her to a different room. Sofia was pulling Nari away then, and Namjoon wanted to stop her an apologize. But Namjoon's vision swam, and his body felt like tar was holding him down. He slumped forward as everything rushed back to him completely over stimulating his body.

Amarian cast a silent spell to catch Namjoon's fall, and he ordered Areum to carry Namjoon to his room. Jungkook stalked behind them wanting desperately to tear Namjoon apart, but he knew deep down that Namjoon was panicking. He hadn't meant to hurt Nari at all.

"Jungkook," Taehyung said from one of the side halls that lead towards the stairwell to the dungeon. He came into view then, and Jungkook staggered back slightly at the look of genuine fear on Taehyung's face. "We have a problem."


Eunjin began making several calls to her clan demanding reinforcements and resources. Yoongi did the same, and between the two of them, they managed to scrounge up some books, weapons, extra furniture, and, of course, blood. Eunjin had laughed at Yoongi's face when he had called home. He looked irritated having to explain where he was and assure everyone that he was fine.

Eternal Soul | BTS Supernatural AU Book 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang