Chapter 7

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"She's not going." Namjoon stood firm on his decision that Nari was to remain at the manor. They were all gathered together to plan their move on the land of the phoenix, and Nari was headstrong on going with them. "She's pregnant. It will harm the baby."

"Shut up, Namjoon," Seokjin interjected. "You know it's difficult to kill a fetus. She was also in the first parts of pregnancy when she got lost in the void and when we fought the Grand Cirlce and Daliania. The baby will be fine."

"We don't know what we are up against," Sungjung said. "It may be difficult, but it is possible. It's also dangerous to leave her behind. What if the prophet elders show up?"

They were stuck on what to do, and Nari was tired of everyone talking as if she wasn't there. "I'm going. I'm just as useful in all of this as the rest of you. I saw Yoongi too. I'm going to help bring him home."

All eyes turned to her. Jungkook looked a mixed of uncertain and proud. He knew Nari could kick ass without breaking a sweat, but Sungjung was right; they didn't know what they were about to walk into.

"What if it all goes wrong?" Namjoon asked. He walked to stand in front of Nari and stared down at her.

"Then it won't be just the baby who ends up dead. I'll die along with it." Those words hung heavy in the air, but she left no questions. She was going with them.

"Let's go then. Let's just barge in since there's no way to actually create a plan." Taehyung moved forward in the center of the room. He slammed his fist onto his palm to get his point across, and all vampires nodded in agreement.

How could they formulate a plan when they didn't know a damn thing about where they were going?

"We need something to go off of," Amarian said. "We will die if we just cross over."

"Yoonyoon will die if we don't." Eunjin took a stance next to Taehyung. "We don't have time to sit around, Amarian. We've wasted enough time."

Amarian sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. This was an unexpected detour in his plan to overthrow the prophets. It frustrated him greatly, but Min Yoongi was a necessary asset in this plan. They needed to save him as soon as possible so he could begin the process of healing.

"Fine." If there was any hope for success, Amarian knew it was within Kim Eunjin. "We have to be fast. Jungkook, what weapons do you have?"

"I have..." He paused for dramatic effect. "None. I don't have any weapons currently because someone wanted to focus on building the library instead."

"I will rip your head off and throw it to the sea folk, Jeon. Don't tempt me," Nari snarled. Jungkook took two very large steps away from her as did everyone else.

No one wanted to fuck with the pregnant half breed.

"It doesn't matter. We will handle everything without weapons and just rely on your abilities. Try not to use up too much energy. Always stay with someone. Does everyone have their fighting buddy?" Amarian looked around at everyone who began looking to each other.

"Are we in kindergarten?" Nari asked. Everyone looked very confused. She recognized that no one knew what kindergarten actually was, so she rephrased. "Are we all children?"

"Just team up. I need everyone in pairs," Amarian sighed out.

Namjoon went to grab his sister, but Jungkook beat him to it. He looked around at everyone else teaming up. Hoseok and Jina. Eunjin and Taehyung. Seokjin and Sofia. Amarian and Ana. Kwangsun and Sam. His eyes landed on Sungjung, and she smiled at him while walking over to him.

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