Chapter 8

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There was a constant searing pain that Min Yoongi did his best to ignore. He had no idea how long it had been. He was starving, he couldn't move, and he was chained in the direct path of the sunlight. The only thing that kept him standing was Min Hana just a few meters away; her gentle features kept him fighting. He could not give up. If he survived, he would be able to run to her.

He didn't realize that his mind was about to snap. His sanity was hanging by a thread, and the other vampires locked away with him could see that clearly. But what could they do? They had been changed up longer than he had, and no one knew what was going on whenever he mumbled out the name Hana over and over again as he tried to reach out towards the blank space in front of him.

The sound of chains clanking and loud groans made Yoongi open his eyes. He winced slightly as he turned his head, and he was surprised to see Kim Taehyung chained to the wall next to him. Taehyung was groaning in pain and obviously wasn't coherent enough to answer any questions Yoongi had for him. It was when he noticed the slumped figure of a woman next to Taehyung that he really began to panic.

"Hana?" he asked slowly. His voice eventually rose in volume; his shouts echoed off the stone walls surround them. "Hana! How did he get to Hana?"


"Did we get turned around somehow?" Seokjin asked. They had all came out on the otherside of the doorway to be met by an identical world to their own. It even smelled the same.

"No," Ana said. "We are in the land of the phoenix." She turned to Nari. "Can you find them quickly?"

"I'll do my best," Nari said with a nod of her head. She closed her eyes and focused in on Eunjin first. Within mere seconds, she was funneled through the void. She was standing inside the same stone cell she had seen in her vision. There was Eunjin hunched over unconscious, a groaning Taehyung next to her, and a screaming Yoongi next to him. They were together, and that was immediate relief. The moment she found the location, she pulled herself out of it. "I got it!"

"Take us to them then!" Seokjin shoved her forward, and she stumbled slightly.

She wasn't upset by this. Seokjin's sister was just taken away, and they needed to hurry. It is likely someone was already on their way to kill them, and she didn't want to wait around to see what would happen.

She led them in a bunch of random directions. She didn't know how she knew where to go, but she trusted her mind to get them there. She pushed herself faster the moment she felt an unknown presence closing in. She was so close to where they needed to be, and she would not stop until she made it there.


The cries and shouts of Min Yoongi pulled Taehyung out of the strange haze he was in. He was disoriented, but the one thing that stuck out in his mind was how he had never heard Yoongi be so loud before. He wanted Yoongi to shut up so he could keep sleeping, but then everything came back to him.

Eunjin clinging to him. Looking up into the trees. A flash of movement. Then there was Daliania's face. She was smiling at him, and he felt relaxed for a moment before he realized that he was been carried away. Faster than he could manage to even think, he pulled his phone out and dropped it before he was dragged through the darkness.

He didn't know when he lost consciousness, but he did know that Yoongi was fucking annoying. He didn't even have time to be relieved that he was with Yoongi. He looked to his left to find Eunjin still passed out, and he couldn't help but to worry. She was strong, and the only time he had ever seen her so weak was when she was starving.

He looked to see Yoongi, but Yoongi wasn't looking at Taehyung. Taehyung wasn't even registering what Yoongi was screaming, but the fear and tears streaking down his face told him it wasn't good. He looked to see what Yoongi was looking at, and he saw Eunjin.

Eternal Soul | BTS Supernatural AU Book 2Where stories live. Discover now