Chapter 34

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A/N: I'm so sorry. This is the final chapter before the epilogue.


Sungjung flung herself to the main level of the building with smoke billowing out behind her. She rolled across the floor before landing perched on her feet. She looked around the hallway, and she heard raised voices around the corner.

The floor was burning hot; she could feel it through her shoes. It wouldn't be long before the structure went tumbling down, and she lurched forward to get to Namjoon.

She skidded around the corner running full force past Darian. She grabbed Namjoon's arm, yanking him along and ignoring his protests.

It was his shout of Hyerin that had her stopping. She spun around, hair flying and smacking Namjoon as she turned.

He squinted at the sudden assault and reached out to steady her.

"He has Hyerin," he said breathlessly. "He has her."

"No." She looked behind him at the city's center. "But the fire..."

"Daliania is going to find her, but we need to get back in there. The sun is also rising." He was still holding onto her shoulders, and he leaned his forehead against her. She smelled of smoke and blood and rage. He breathed it in. "We need to get our Hyerin."

"Yeah," she said. "We need to go back. Hoseok and Jina are still down there. Jina said she needed to get Hoseok out."

Prophets were running from the building paying them no mind. Some of them were burning, and their screams filled the air. The stench of smoke and burning flesh hung around them, and Sungjung squinted her nose.

Namjoon guided her back inside, and he was surprised to see Darian still standing there. He was extra surprised to notice the small bundle he was holding in his arms.

It was Hyerin, of course. Namjoon could feel it in the air. She was so powerful but so so small. She didn't know she needed to defend herself, and adjusting time wouldn't get her back to her parents. So there she laid still as tiny as ever.

"Hyerin," Sungjung said. She stepped forward, but Namjoon held her back.

Heat cracks spread across the floor, and it was only a matter of time before everything collapsed. But there was Hyerin, so close to them they could reach out and touch her.

"Darian, Hyerin will not be a threat," Namjoon pleaded.

Darian laughed. "You sound so much like your sister. 'Grandfather, Namjoon will not be a threat!'" His laugh rang out over the chaos. "What a lie that was then!"

Hyerin began to cry as she finally sensed the danger she was in. Darian bounced her and shushed her as if he had been an expert father.

"Darian, please," Namjoon begged again. He reached out, and his fingers brushed across the blanket before Darian took several steps back.

The area of the floor Darian had been standing on finally gave way. Fire and smoke flew up through the air briefly blocking their view. In the midst of the haze, Namjoon caught a glimpse of Darian's smile as he dropped Hyerin into the fire.


Areum shuffled into Seokjin's side. Eunjin was still conversing with the Phoenix. They'd been talking for hours, well, less talking and more yelling on Eunjin's part. Areum was eager to get to the manor and inform Jungkook of all that transpired.

The Phoenix didn't seem like he was interested in harming them, but if he did, it was simply because they crossed into his territory.

Seokjin snaked his arm around her waist causing her to jump a little.

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