The Cullens Leaving Forks

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Dani's POV

It's been two days since Bella's birthday and Edward has been avoiding her. Also the Cullens haven't been at school. Bella has been working on her scrapbook. I've helped her with some pages. It feels good to do things like a normal child.

I leave school and go to walk to Bella's when I see Rosalie. I smile rushing over giving her a hug. "Hi Rose, where have you been?" I ask.

"Home, we all need to talk. Don't worry Charlie knows you're visiting" she tells me. I nod my head and we get into her car. She drives us to their house. We soon arrive and go inside to see the entire coven.

"So what's this all about?" I ask them curious.

"We're leaving tomorrow" Carlisle states.

"Leaving? What do you main?" I ask confused.

"We're leaving Forks, forever" Emmett states.

"What about Bella?" I ask looking at Edward.

"She'll be better off without me, without vampires" he states.

"What am I suppose to do?" I ask them sadly.

"You can come with us" Esme tells me.

"She's right, you can be apart of our family" Carlisle tells me.

"You have no idea how much I have dreamed of a vampire family. Wished for it, but Bella is going to be heartbroken when you leave. I can't leave her too" I state.

"So you chose to stay?" Alice asks.

"For now, who knows when I leave in a couple years. Maybe we'll meet again. But for now" I say looking at them all.

"You have to erase our memories of you" Edward states.

"Yes, I can't risk the Volturi finding me. Don't worry when we meet again I can restore them" I state. "Who is going first?" I ask.

"Me" Carlisle says stepping forward. I look into his eyes.

"You will have no memory of me. Of Bella having a younger sister. Or about me being an immortal child. Until I say 'Now you remember'" I say compelling him. I do the same with everyone else before running home. Where I cried silently on my bed.

Had I made the right decision? I was losing those who have become my true family? All because I don't want Bella to suffer anymore then she has too. I could of made her forget us all. But it wouldn't take away the emptiest she'll feel inside once they go. At least here, I can try to help her move on.

(Next day)

Edward told Bella today about his family leaving. Now she is missing in the woods and the Cullens are gone. Charlie has organized a search party for her and believes I am asleep in bed. But I'm in the woods tracking Bella. I find her in a fatal position on the damp forest floor, looking broken. "Oh Bella" I say as I kneel beside her.

"He left" she says quietly.

"I know, but it'll be ok" I assure her as she passes out. I sense something approaching and take a deep breath. To smell wet dog. I snarl and turn to see a black wolf in the shadows. "You want her, you'll have to go through me wolf" I sneer.

He leaves and comes back human. "I mean neither of you harm, I was summoned by Billy Black to bring Bella home. You should go home Dani" he tells me.

"Sam Uley, alpha wolf shifter. You aren't suppose to be here" I state.

"With the Cullens gone, I can. However, can I trust you Dani? I have heard of your kind" he states.

"I'm nothing like them, I live on animal blood. Bella is my sister and I will remain with her. Until she sends me away or the humans notice me not aging" I state.

"Very well, but I will be keeping an eye on you. Now return to Charlie's house, I will bring Bella home" he states. I nod my head and race home. I return to my room and pretend to sleep.

"Charlie!" I hear Jacob yell and take that as my que to wake. I shot up and race downstairs. I reach the front door to see Sam giving Bella to Charlie.

"Bella!" I shout and rush over to them at a human pace. "Is she ok daddy?" I ask Charlie worry.

"She's ok, you should be in bed" he tells me. "Thank you, Sam" he says. We go inside and upstairs to Bella's room. He lays her on the bed and I crawl in beside her.

"I want to stay with Bella" I state.

"Of course, I think she'd like that" he says with a smile. "She'll need us both to help her cope with what ever she is going through" he states. Bella stirs slightly in her sleep. "What were you thinking, Baby? Why were you out there?" he asks her.

"He's gone" she mutters.

"Who?" I ask fawning confusion.

"The Cullens, they left town today. Did they say anything when you were with them yesterday?" he asks me.

"No, I don't think so" I lie.

"Sleep now, both of you" he tells us. Though Bella had already fallen back to sleep. I nod my head and close my eyes. Pretending to fall asleep. He watches of us most of the night. When he eventually leaves I sit up and grab a book. I start to read as I watch over Bella.


Picture above of the Cullens.

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