Girls Night Out

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(Alaska) Third Persons POV

Alice faces off with Carlisle as the others watch on. Esmedesolate; Emmett blank. He sits next to Rosalie who seemsalmost irritated. Jasper isolates himself in a corner. "No, we promised Edward" Carlisle tells Alice.

"But she won't do well without us. I get flashes of her, but they're unclear" Alice tells him.

"Forget her, lets drag Edward home" Rosalie tells them.

"He'll come back when he's ready. After Bella moves on" Esme states.

"Yes. When she's living her life, safe from danger" Carlisle tells them.

"You mean safe from us" Jasper grumbles. Alice wraps an arm around him, soothing him.

"And when will that be?" Rosalie asks Alice.

"Can you see him Alice?" Emmet asks. They all turn to Alice... a beat. She closes her eyes, trying to get a lock on Edward.

"The only decision he's made, is to be alone" Alice tells them. Rosalie storms out of the room and Emmet follows her. Carlisle goes to work while Esme goes to visit the Denalis.

"What is it Alice? What is making your visions unclear?" Jasper asks her concerned.

"I don't know, I get visions of Bella and of other person with no face. It's like I know them, but don't. Whoever it is, is with Bella and they share futures" Alice explains.

"I have felt like something is missing from our coven, our family. The others feel the same and it's putting us all on edge. I think we left something important behind in Forks" he tells her.

"I feel that way too and my visions are trying to show whoever it is to me. But I still don't know who it is or what they look like" she states.

"I'm sure we'll figure it out" Jasper assures her. "How about we go out for dinner? Just the two of us" he suggests. Alice agrees with a smile and kisses his cheek before going to get ready.

Dani's POV

It's been months since the Cullens left. Three months in fact. Bella hardly left her room over the first two months. When she finally went back to school. She talked to no one, except Charlie and I. She always sat at the Cullens old table alone if I was hanging out with my friends.

She hardly talks to me at all, but does not object my company. I think I remind to much of the Cullens. She writes to her mother and to Alice by email. Not that Alice ever replies to her emails. I notice she never talks about me in her emails to Alice, which I am glad about. As she and the others don't remember me.

Bella has nightmares nearly every night and wakes up screaming clutching her chest. It's a side effect of not being with her one. I'm sure Edward is hurting too. I wish I could take her pain away, but I can't. It's not within my power.

Sam Uley has allowed me to stay on the Cullens old land. As long as I continue to only drink animal blood and never human blood. As well as never hunt on or go onto their land. Him and the other three don't bother me. But Billy always checks on me when he visits Charlie as he is a pack elder.

Anyway Bella and I are going to school. Charlie is talking to our neighbour Bob about his run down dirt bikes. That he is finally getting rid of. I hop into Bella's truck waving at Bob who smiles. "How you doin' there, Bella?" he asks her.

Bella, in her own world, doesn't respond. Bob gives Charliean understanding shrug and heads off. Bella goes to get into the driver's side, but Charlie shuts the door. "That's it" he states.

"That's what?" Bella asks him confused.

"You're going to Jacksonville to live with your mother" he tells her.

"What? Why?" she asks him.

"I just - don't know what to do any more. With your nightmares and constantly isolating yourself. You don't act like someone left you; more like someone died" he states. She looks away from him and I know that's how she feels.

"I'm not leaving Forks" she tells him.

"Bells, the bastard's not coming back" Charlie tells her. She nods her head. "It's not normal, this behavior. And frankly, it's scaring the hell outta me, and your mother. It's not healthy for you or Dani" he states. "Go to Jacksonville, Baby. Make some new friends" he adds.

"I like my old friends" she tells him.

"You never even see them anymore" Charlie states.

"I do, too. In fact, I'm... um... Jessica and I are going to Port Angeles tomorrow. Shopping with Dani" Bella lies.

"You hate shopping" Charlie says.

"That's how good a friend and big sister I am" Bella tells him.

"Alright, take good care of Dani and don't stay out to late" he tells her. She nods her head and gets into the truck. She has me call Jessica and place the phone on speaker. She invited her to go shopping tomorrow night and she agreed.

(Next night)

We're heading back to the cars. Jessica had brought several things and I had brought three new books. Ink Spell by Cornelia Funke, Artemis Fowl Opal Deception by Eoin Colfer and Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment by James Patterson. Meanwhile, Bella brought nothing for herself aside from a pair of socks.

"I don't get why are there so many zombie movies" Bella states as we pass the movie theater to see a poster for a new zombie movie.

"It's, like, a metaphor? For crass consumerism or something" Jessica tells her and we look at her. "Not that you'd know anything about consuming. You didn't buy anything for yourself today" she says changing the subject.

"She bought something" I protest.

"Socks don't count" Jessica tells me. "I was surprised you even called" she adds looking at Bella.

"I've been kind of... out of it" Bella says sheepishly.

"Kind of? I mean, at first I was worried. Then I'm like, okay, she's still bumming? It's not like I wasn't going through things, too. Like Mike deciding he wanted to 'just be friends'.  That was really hard and..." Jessica begins to rant.

"How 'bout a ride, girls?" a man asks. Bella looks across the street at a few men on motorbikes. She stares at them frozen.

"Bella, lets go" Jessica tells her.

"Yeah, I'm tired" I say with a fake yawn.

"One moment, I think I know them" Bella states. Much to Jessica's frustration, Bella begins to cross thestreet toward the men. While I stay with Jessica putting on my concerned child look.

"Everything will be fine Dani" she assures me. "What the hell?" she says as Bella hops onto the back on one of the bikes. "Bella!" she shouts. The bike drives off until Bella yells at the man to stop. He does so and she hops off looking like she'd seen a ghost. The man leaves with his mates. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" she demands once Bella rejoined us.

"I... saw something" Bella mutters.

"You're insane, actually. Or suicidal. That homeboy could have been a psycho. I was about to end up in a FBI interview room with Dani, like some lame TV show. What about Dani?" Jessica demands.

"The more dangerous... the more real it was. That was such a rush" Bella murmurs to herself.

"Awesome! So, you're an adrenaline junky now? That's cool! You can go bungee jumping. You don't get on the back of some random loser's motorcycle! Crazy!" Jessica tells her firmly. She storms off and I look at Bella concerned.

"Can we go home Bella?" I ask her. She nods her head in deep thought. We go back to her car to see Jessica's already gone. We get in and she drives us home. She got ready for bed and fell asleep. I sit beside her on the bed reading one of my new books.

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