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(14th of December) Dani's POV

I arrive home to see no one present and growl in frustration. I search the house and discover most of their things are still here. So they aren't running. So where are they? "Dani" Alice says and I turn to see her with Jasper.

"It's not what you think Dani" Jasper tells me.

"Don't lie to me!" I snap. "Irina saw the child and told me everything, how could you do this to me?!" I demand as venom fills my eyes.

"We didn't do what we're accused of" Alice tells me.

"Really, then explain" I say compelling her.

"Renesmee is Bella and Edward's biological child. Bella became pregnant over her honeymoon while she was still human. Renesmee is half human, half vampire. She is not an immortal child" she states.

"Is she telling the truth?" I ask Jasper compelling him.

"Yes" he says. I rush over and hug them feeling relief. "We could never replace you little sister. You're our sister and Renesmee has been dying to meet her aunt Dani" he tells me.

"I can't wait to meet her" I tell them. They smile. "Where is everyone?" I ask them.

"Gathering witnesses, if enough people know the truth about Renesmee. It'll give the Volturi a reason to listen" Alice states.

"I'm with you, no one is hurting our family or my niece" I tell them.

"We have to go, we have witnesses to search for" Jasper tells me.

"I'll come with you" I tell him.

"No, you're needed here" Alice tells me. "We'll be back" she assures me. We hug and I go to my room. I unpack and then go to Edward's room to see Bella's scrap book. I flip through it and find a photo of her with Edward & a baby. That must be Renesmee. She has Edward's hair and Bella's human eyes. She's beautiful.

(Time skip)

 I hear Edward's car and smile. I race downstairs and watch them get out of the car. I spot a seven year old beside a newborn Bella and Jacob. "Dani" Edward says. But I ignore him and race over to the girl.

"You have your mother's eyes" I tell her.

"Aunt Dani" she says.

"Hello Renesmee" I say with a smile. She places her hand on my check and I see her birth. "Beautiful" I say kissing her hand. "You look great Bella" I tell her.

"Thanks Dani" she says. Just then Sam appears. "Lets get you some food" she tells Renesmee. Us girls go inside. Leaving Edward and Jacob to talk to Sam. "So when did you get here?" she asks me.

"Last night" I tell her.

"We have many vampires coming here, they can't know what you are" she tells me.

"Screw that, I'm done hiding" I tell her. "I'll compel each witness as they arrive" I state. "You are my family and I'm not leaving until I know you all are safe" I states.

"Thank you Dani" she says with a grateful smile.

(Time skip)

I compelled each vampire to believe I was turn at twelve. Which is the youngest age a person can be turned. Including the Denali coven. Alice and Jasper have still not returned. I spent Christmas with Bella, Renesmee, Jacob, Charlie and the Clearwaters at Charlie's house. It was great.

Last night we camped out under the star near the clearing where we'd meet the Volturi and their witnesses. We spent the night exchanging mainly war stories. While Renesmee slept in her tent. The wolves patrolled the area in wolf form.

But it's now mid morning the 31st of December. The Volturi is due to arrive soon. They soon appear opposite us. I stay close to Renesmee and her parents. The wolves join our side, Jacob stopping beside us. "Aro, let us discuss things as we used to. In a civilized manner" Dad tells him.

"Fair words Carlisle. But a little out of place given the battalion you've assembled against us" Aro tells him.

"I can promise you, that was never my intent. No laws have been broken" dad tells them.

"We see the child. Do not treat us as fools" Caius says looking at Renesmee and I. I give him a pointed look.

"She is not an immortal! These witnesses can attest to that. Or you can look. See the flush of human blood in her cheeks" Dad explains.

"Artifice"  Caius says and Aro raises his hand silencing him.

"I will collect every facet of the truth. But from someone more central to the story. Edward, as the child clings to your new born mate, I assume you are involved" Aro says. Edward walks over and allows him to read his thoughts. "I'd like to meet her" he states.

I go stand by mum and dad. While Emmet, Bella, Jacob and Renesmee approached the Volturi. Renesmee greeted Aro before showing him her birth. Before they returned to us as Caius says it's impossible. "Do you think they fooled me brother?" Aro accuses.

"Bring the informer forward" Caius orders. Irina is brought forward. "Is that the child you saw?" he asks her pointing at Renesmee.

"I'm not sure" Irina says.

"Jane" Caius says.

"She's changed. This child is bigger" Irina states.

"Then your allegations were false" Caius states.

"The Cullens are innocent. I take full responsibility for my mistake" Irina announces. She looks at us and says "I'm sorry".

"Caius no!" Edward shouts and Mum makes me look away. I here something break and smell something burning. "Blind them" I hear Edward tell one of the amazons. "Tanya this is what they want. If you attack now we'll all die" he tells the leader of the Denali coven.

"Aro you see there's no law broken here" dad says as mum lets me go. I look at Alec who gives me an apologetic look. I give him a reassuring smile.

"Agreed. But does it then follow that there is no danger? For the first time in our history humans pose a threat to our kind. Their modern technology has given birth to weapons that could destroy us. Maintaining our secret has never been more imperative. In such perilous times only the known is safe. Only the known is tolerable. And we know nothing of what this child will become. Can we live with such uncertainty? Spare ourselves a fight today, only to die tomorrow" Aro says.

Just then Alice and Jasper appear. Alice showed Aro two visions. Before two other witnesses appeared from the forest. One was another hybrid like Renesmee, that's been alive for a hundred and fifty years. Aro said there was no danger here and the Volturi left. Aside from him and the twins.

My family all hug each other. I hug my parents. Before running to Alec jumping into his arms. "I was so worried about you" he tells me.

"I'm sorry for running away, I just had to know the truth" I tell him.

"I know" he says and kisses me.

"Dani" Jane says and I give her a hug.

"You three may remain here for a few days" Aro tells us.

"Thank you master" the twins say.

"Thank you Aro" I say.

"Don't run away again Daniela" he tells me before leaving. I rejoin my family with the twins. I introduce them to my niece and we all go home. The Romanians had left. But the rest stayed and celebrated new years with us. Before leaving one by one, Garrett going with the Denali's as he is Kate's mate.


Picture above of the Cullen witnesses and Renesmee. Picture on the external link of Bella and Edward with baby Renesmee.

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