Meeting the Volturi Kings

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Alec's POV

I'm nervous about telling the master about Dani. They'll be happy I finally found my mate and that she's gifted. But she is an immortal child. There was a good reason she's spent the last century hiding her existence. "It'll be ok" Demetri tells me.

"What will be? What are you talking? Why did Jane stay behind?" Felix asks us confused. Demetri and I share a look chuckling. It's quiet fun knowing something Felix doesn't.

"Jane, just had an errand to do before she returned. She'll be back tomorrow" I state as we reach the castle. "Lets go inform our masters of what happened with the army" I tell them. We get out of the car and go to the throne room.

"Ah welcome back, but where is Jane?" Aro asks us.

"All will be explained" Demetri tells him.

"I don't understand it either master" Felix tells him. Aro takes his hand and frowns in confusion.

"Before you see our thoughts Master, there is something you should know" Demetri tells him.

"I found my mate" I state.

"Marvelous, is she with Jane?" Aro asks me.

"Yes, but there's more to it then that" I tell him. "Please have an open mind and wait until you meet her. See her memories for yourself before you condemn her" I plead.

"Why would we condemn her?" Marcus asks. I share a look with Demetri.

"She's nine" Demetri states.

"So she's human, we'll just turn her when she reaches your age" Caius states.

"It's not that" I tell him.

"It's ok Alec, just tell them" Demetri encourages me.

"May I?" Aro asks gesturing to my hand. I take a deep breath and give him my hand. "Oh my" he says as he looks at my memories of Dani. "This will be an interesting, please leave us. I must discuss this with my brother" he tells the trio.

"Please don't kill her" I beg.

"Shush, leave it with us" Aro tells me in a gentle tone. He's been like a father to Jane and I since we turned. "We'll discuss her future at length and won't make a decision until we've meet her" he assures me. I nod my head and Demetri lets him see his memories before we left.

(Throne room) Third Persons POV

"What did you see Aro?" Caius asks his brother.

"We'll finally solve the mystery that's been haunting us for the last century" Aro states.

"She's an immortal isn't she?" Marcus asks.

"Yes, and she's kept our secret for the last century. She's even on the animal diet" Aro states.

"Impossible" Caius says.

"She is Alec's true mate, it'd kill him if we killed her" Marcus tells his brothers.

"She has a powerful gift" Aro tells him brothers. "Mind compulsion, an ability to influence and control thoughts, emotions, and behavior and can alter or erase memories. She used it on Felix to make him forget her. Yet in Alec and Demetri's memories, I see he was there the whole time. Quiet an extraordinary gift" he states.

"If word got out about her existence and that we let her leave because she was Alec's mate. We'd look weak" Caius tells his brothers.

"The only ones to know of her existence are the Cullens, Alec, Jane, Demetri and us. She has kept her secret and ours for a century. I'm sure we could do the same" Aro tells his brothers. "But we'll decide that once we've meet her and I've seen her memories" he states. His brothers agree and get on with normal business.

(Time Skip) Dani's POV

Jane and I are in a car with tinted windows driving through Volterra to the Volturi castle. "I'm scared Jane" I tell her honestly. As I play with my hair.

"Everything will be fine" she assures me.

"Maybe I should of worn dark colours and not white" I mumble looking at my white lace dress.

"You look fine" she assures me. "Besides we'll be wearing dark cloaks anyway" she tells me. She's four inches taller then me. I'm burrowing one of her cloaks and am wearing heels to make myself look taller. So as not to arouse suspicion.

We soon reach an underground car park. "We're here, keep your hood up and don't speak until we reach the throne room" she tells me. I nod my head putting the hood up. We get out of the car and I follow her to the throne room. To see Alec, Felix and Demetri there with the three kings.

"Welcome back Jane" Aro says cheerily. "This must be Daniela" he says looking at me.

"Yes master" she says and he holds her hand looking at her memories. When he lets her hand go. She goes to stand by her brother. As I lowered my hood.

"You have alluded us for many years my dear, we thought you did not exist" Aro tells me.

"That was the idea" I tell him and a quiet voice and he chuckles.

"You are scared" Caius says looking at me from his throne.

"I am, you kill immortal children" I state looking him in the eye. "I never thought I'd be here" I add looking around the room.

"Why did you come? You could of made the guard forget you and continue on with your life" Caius states.

"Truthfully, I never thought I'd be here because one of your elite guard it my mate" I tell them.

"Then how else would you be here?" Aro asks me.

"The first scenario was that I finally grew bored of my immortal life and wanted to be reunited with my birth mother. I would of made my existence known and waited for your tracker to capture me. The other was that I got to comfortable somewhere and lowered my guard. Accidentally revealing myself to someone" I state and he chuckles.

"You miss your mother" Marcus states.

"Very much so, she was my only family when I was human" I state. I offer my hand to Aro and he takes it smiling.

"You truly are very talented my dear" he tells me.

"Thank you" I say as I take my hand back.

"Felix, come forward" he says. Felix joins us and Jane places a calming hand on Alec. "Please return his memories dear" he tells me as he holds Felix's hand. I nod my head and look into Felix's eyes.

"Now, you remember" I say compelling him.

"Dani" he says in recognition"

"Remarkable" Aro says smiling as he sent Felix back to his position. "Can you do compulsion without eye contact?" he asks me.

"I don't know, I've never tried it" I tell him truthfully. "I can do it with contacts in" I add.

"My brothers and I have much to discuss Daniela" he tells me. "Alec, Jane please take her to your room. I'll send Felix or Demetri once we've made our decision" he states. They nod and I put my hood back up. I link arms with Alec as we left the throne room.


Picture above of the Volturi kings and Dani.

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