Meadow and Golden Eyes

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Danielle's POV

I'm still laying in the meadow as the sun starts to appear. I sigh get up staying out of the sunlight. When I hear two pairs of feet approaching the meadow. I rush to the opposite tree line and wait to see who it is. "I can't see her Jasper, she could be a threat to the coven" a girl with pixie hair do says. A man with curly honey blonde hair. He must be Jasper. I notice he has red-amber eyes.

Vampires, but why does the girl have golden eyes. "I'm sure either you or Edward will find her Alice" Jasper tells her. So there's a coven here, guess I'll have to be extra careful.

"But she obviously drinks human blood, why else take blood bag from the hospital"she states. Damn it, I thought I was careful. But they obviously don't know who I am. Or that I'm an immortal child. I just have to keep it that way.

"Weren't we here to hunt?" Jasper asks her.

"Right, deer usually come here the graze" she tells him smiling. Deer, so they drink animal blood. Must be why her eyes are a different colour and he's are changing. I'll need to try this diet, once I'm low on blood bags again. I look up as the clouds reappear blocking the sun. I check my contacts and see they are still intact.

I enter the meadow deliberately stepping on a twig so that they'd here me. They look up at me and frown in confusion. I pretend to be scared and lost. "Please, can you help me?" I ask quietly.

"Are you lost?" Alice asks me gently and I nod my head.

"I was chasing a butterfly" I lie smoothly.

"Where do you live?" Jasper asks me.

"In Forks" I answers and they chuckle.

"He means where in Forks?" Alice clarifies.

"With my dad, Charlie" I tell them. "He's the chief of police" I state.

"We'll take you back" Alice tells me.

"Why are you out here?" I ask in confusion.

"On a date" Jasper answers and Alice smiles looking up at him lovingly. So they're mates. Good to know.

"Jasper I think we should take her to see Carlisle first, ensure she isn't hurt before we return her to Charlie" Alice states.

"Please, I just want my daddy" I whimper.

"Ok, we'll take you back to him now" she assures me. She holds her hand out to me and I take it slowly.

"You're hand is cold" I say.

"Sorry about that, I forgot my clothes this morning" she tells me.

"Mummy always told me to wear my gloves in cold weather" I tell her.

"You're mother is a smart woman" she tells me and I smile. We start to leave the meadow with Jasper following us. "So my family hasn't been here long, but we didn't know the chief of police had a young daughter. We heard of Bella coming from Phoenix, but not you" she explains.

"My mummy died and told me where to find Daddy. He never knew I existed until a few days ago" I tell her. "But I can't wait to meet my older half sister Bella" I say excitedly. "I hope she takes me to school with her occasionally, I hear Elementary school is a bore" I state. Jasper chuckles behind us.

We exit the woods and enter town. "Is your dad home?" Jasper asks me.

"No, he's at work" I state.

"Ok, we'll take you to the station" Alice tells me. I wanted to protest, but knew I couldn't. We soon arrive at the station and I spot Charlie.

"Daddy!" I cheer running over to him at a normal human child pace. I hug his waist happily.

"Danni, why are you here?" he asks me confused. As he picks me up placing me on his hip.

"I got lost, but Alice and Jasper help me" I say pointing to them.

"Thank you for bringing her to me" he says smiling as he places me down. "You're two of Dr Cullen's kids right?" he asks.

"Yes sir" Jasper says nodding his head. "Best Danni stay out of the woods" he states.

"What were you doing in the woods young lady?" Charlie demands looking down at me.

"I was chasing a butterfly and got lost" I tell him.

"Well no more going into the woods alone" he tells me firmly.

"Yes daddy" I say smiling innocently.

"Thank you again for finding her and bringing her here" Charlie tells the other two.

"You're welcome" Alice says smiling. "Anyway, we have to go. A lot of homework to do" she states. "Hope to see you around Danni" she says before leaving with Jasper.

"Waylon!" Charlie calls and a man his age approaches us. "Can you take over for a bit, I have to take Danni home" he states.

"So this is the famous Danni" Waylon says smiling down at me. "Waylon Forge" he says holding a hand out and I shake it.

"Nice to meet you" I say.

"Nice to meet you too" he tells me smiling. "Anyway I got it here Charlie, but you own me a beer" he states.

"Sure thing" Charlie says smiling. He grabs my hand and we start to leave. I wave goodbye to Waylon. We get into Charlie's car and he drives us home. He takes me inside. "Now please stay here at the house until I return. No more chasing butterflies or going into the woods" he tells me.

"Yes, dad" I say and he smiles. Kissing my forehead before leaving. I go up to my room and open the window. Before going onto the roof and laying down looking up at the sky. Contemplating this new knowledge of vampires that survive on animal blood. I know I may have to leave sooner rather then later. But not until I know more about this coven and their way of life.


Picture above of the meadow and on the external link of Jasper with Alice.

Danielle the Immortal ChildWhere stories live. Discover now