Chapter 27

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It felt like hours.... I sat laying near Samantha now blacked out due to all the torcher Elijah has done...


I screamed in pain as Elijah continued to kick my stomach multiple times. "P-please stop" I whisper as he surprisingly stopped "Your right... I will begin on your little friend here" before he could finished, I scream at him "DON'T TOUCH HER!" I used all my strength to run in front of Sam and hold my arms out to protect her from Elijah... "So, what will it be? You or her??" he smirks as he grabs my hair roughly throwing me to the floor as I groan in pain "m-me" I say, "YOUR FRIEND?!" he yells as he smirks "NO I SAID ME" I run to him before he's able to slap Sam who's now crying. I body chuck him having him fall over hitting a table causing it to break.

"You bitch, you have really done it now" he smirks whipping the blood from his palms... my breath hitched as he grabs my neck and drags me to another room....

My screams fill the house as he exposes my body as he continues to hurt me... "How will Ace feel now that your all naked and beaten... I bet he'll think you're a little slut just like your mother who ran to my arms...." He whips my back as I scream once again trying to cover my body.

"You'll have scars to last you a lifetime after I'm done with you.... Now, why don't you open your legs for me like your slutty mother did... aw don't be shy I know you're a slut and a whore I bet you fucked every man who came in contact with you... so be a good girl and let me finish what I started."

My eyes widened as he threw me on the bed... "P-please d-don't" I desperately say as he smirks evilly. "It's either I fuck you, I fuck your friend or I can just torture you more until you pass out then ill have my way with you... you pick" he grins as I feel my body begin to shake violently... if I can just stay awake and endure the pain maybe Sam and I won't get raped "option 3" I whisper as he lets out a loud laugh "Either way I'm going to rape you but might as well have fun before I do" he says as he smirks grabbing my hair as I'm being dragged across a floor of broken furniture...

*Flashback Over*

My breathing is pitiful and silent, my body grows cold as the sweat and blood is mixed together. I had found a shirt and put it on which is now covered in blood. I look up to Sam to see her crying with pitiful eyes as she watched me get tortured. I smile in her direction trying to help the situation.

Elijah has taken a smoking break for the 6th time... I let out a scream as he crushes the cigarette bud on my thigh for the 5th time... I continue to lay on the floor as my mind wonders to Ace... please get Sam to safety... I don't think I can hold on much longer. I feel tears begin to trickle down my face as Elijah smirks in my direction "you lasted much longer than I expected... well no matter I might as well fuck you now since you look like death itself and why not give your friend a good view about what a real man's dick looks like. Maybe she'll be begging for her turn after I'm done and why not have some more fun... you remember Andrew Philip for the event that was held for us in honour of our engagement... well he agreed to have some fun with you for a hefty price so ill let him go first and I'll have some fun with your friend in the meantime" he grinned as Sam's face goes pale as she looked absolutely petrified and disgusted.

"I've wanted to fuck that tight ass since the moment I seen you" Andrew laughed disgustingly as made his way towards me now pulling me by my leg as he began to take his belt off revealing his disgusting bare body. I begin to scream and struggle as much as possible as he began to turn me over. The doors slam open I see Ace run in and tackle Andrew off me, punch after punch Ace doesn't stop until Andrew is now knocked out with a broken jaw, nose and teeth while bleeding all over.

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