Chapter 1

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I immediately smash my hand onto my phone trying to close the alarm, have you ever thought you pressed stop when in fact it starts blaring like 3 minutes later. Sometimes I want to throw my phone out the window. The only problem with that is I would probably never find it living here in New York.

My name is Annalise White I am 25 years old, and I am just another person in the city of lights.

I sigh to myself sitting up from the bed as I watch the gloom of rainfall. You know it's so peaceful even though in this place it's anything but peaceful. It's just .... everyone always seems to have someplace to go. Sometimes I wonder where... because if I'm going to be honest, I sometimes feel like I don't know where I'm going or even what I'm supposed to do. But I believe one day something amazing is going to happen.

Little did I know that day would be today.

As I get out of bed wearing nothing but panties and a loose top, walking towards my bathroom.

-10 minutes later-

I walk out as I am drying my hair with my towel, I look through my phone and see something pop up in my notifications "HOLY SHIT" I begin to scream and jump up and down. "I JUST GOT A JOB INTERVIEW, FUCK YEAH" and here I thought I'd be working at Molly's Café for the rest of my life! Molly is my manager she can be very... unpleasant at times.

I quickly put on some professional clothes and made my way to the kitchen to grab an apple. Today is going to be a good day I can feel it. If you're wondering what's my profession, I'm a writer, I recently sent in my newest work I was writing to Cinder Prints publishing company and hopefully, today goes well.

I quickly go to my car and try to drive through the busy roads of New York. Thankfully at this hour theirs not too much going on. I park my car accidentally dropping my purse inside. I pick everything up locking my car and begin to walk to the nearest coffee shop. "Hi, can I get a caramel latte with one sugar please".

"That would be $5.45," he says with an attitude. I immediately begin to rummage through my purse. I gasp as I notice my wallet isn't there. At this point, I'm mentally slapping myself "I forgot my wallet I'll just go grab it" I shyly said "you should have checked before you even ordered like seriously" before he could finish suddenly a large man towered behind me the worker at the cash gulped as his deep and yet oh so venomous eyes drew daggers into the worker before me. "Is there a problem?" he said calmly and yet in a way intimidating. "N-no sir s-she just doesn't have the money and..." it was as if his voice was getting lower and lower by the second in such a way that his whole body had shrunk.

The mysterious man then drew his attention towards me I felt as though the people in the room had completely disappeared leaving him and I alone, I watched as his enchanting eyes stared into mine. I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard his voice once more "I'll take the yogurt; a medium black coffee and that granola bar" his voice hypnotizes me.... wait what just happened. Just before he handed the man the money "Don't you ever.... speak to her like that again do you understand me." The worker shook his head and ran to the back. The mysterious man then gently passed me my latte and a yogurt "wait- what, you didn't have to pay for me I just forgot my wallet."

"Don't worry about it" he then winked and walked away. Why did I just feel déjà vu right there? looking at the time I have about 10 minutes before my interview. "Hi, my name is Annalise White I'm looking for Mr. Knights office" wow this place is breathtaking I mean everything looks so luxurious. "here is your pass he's waiting for you on the 25th floor" as I take the pass and walk towards the elevator, I feel a sudden wave of nervousness. I haven't felt this nervous since college.

As I reach the top floor I'm greeted by a woman at her desk "Hi, I'm Annalise I'm here to."

"He's waiting for you in his office," she says as she continues to type on her keyboard. As I open the door, I see none other than the man from the coffee shop. "Good morning Miss White. It is Miss isn't it?" He says as he takes a seat "yes, it is" he smiled at my response "good, now let's get to business come have a seat, I hope you enjoyed your coffee?" he said "t-thank you for that you really didn't have to" he gently smiles "just returning a favour" he said... what does he mean by that?

"I read your script that you sent in along with your resume. Very impressive. But I have a question what makes you think your work is good enough to be published at Cinder Prints" he says as he folds his hands.

"Well, I have a really big passion for writing. I've wanted to be a writer since I was young and honestly. I'm very confident in myself that a lot of other people will enjoy reading the passion, the happiness, and the love from each character that I bring to life. So, I believe that my book can benefit the people as well as this company" I spoke getting lost in the words I was saying.

I then look up into his eyes, just before he was able to speak a person knocks on the door "Come in" he says as his secretary gently opens the door "Sorry to interrupt Mr. Knight your 1 o'clock is here" she says almost instantly I hear Mr. Knights rough voice "reschedule it. We're not done here" he demands almost as if he already knew that he didn't want our meeting to finish "my apologies sir, but it's the Bronze family they are insisting to meet with you," she says as Mr. Knight noticeably gets irritated. "Very well"

"Thank you for having me Mr. Knight," I say as I gather my thing. I open the door and gently glance back to see him staring right at me. He's so mysterious.

I got home that day feeling absolutely exhausted, I then jump into the shower and walk out wearing nothing but my black panties and a bra. I walk over to the couch and simply glance at the busy streets of New York. *PING* I glance at my phone seeing I got an email. It's from

Mr. Knight. It read:

Good evening Miss White I apologize for today having our time cut short.

Nevertheless, I expect a full report on your next piece of work in 3 days' time. I look forward to seeing what you have.

A. Knight

I gently put my laptop down as I can't believe this is happening, I have a few ideas in mind but after a good night's rest, I will be good as new to start tomorrow morning.

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