Chapter 16

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Ace P.O.V

Page over page, word over word, line after line I analyzed the fucking contract in detail. I could just kill him. I thought to myself as the image of my baby girl wrapped in another man's arms pained me too much. No that wouldn't do I have to find another way. It's been a week since I got back to New York and a week since I've seen my baby girl. She's been all over the fuckin news, her and that son of a bit*h are in New York's finest Knight Empire Hotel which I own. Luckily, I've been keeping tabs on them, the words I say next makes me want to kill someone... the weddings next Friday so I have 1 week to de-code this contract find a loophole... anything.

I then brush my hand through my hair. My mind wonders about the possibilities of what could be happening to my baby girl right now.

Just then I hear my phone ping... I grab my phone and what I see before me causes my heart to drop and my anger and demons begin to come out of me. feeling my rage as I break the table in front of me... red all I see is red.

Just then I see Jax, and Sam bust in the door as I begin to breathe very heavily. "W-what happened," Jax says as I throw him my phone. He catches it almost dropping it, I quickly walk past them grabbing my coat and keys. I hear Sam begin to cry and Jax cursing after seeing the photo that was sent to me.

"Call Everyone and meet me in my office..." I say... they don't know what they started.

They touched my woman and now I'm after blood.

Annalise P.O.V

Feeling my headache throbbing, I groan as I remember everything that happened. I shoot up from where I was laying only to be pulled back. I begin to hyperventilate of the thoughts of Elijah taking advantage of me. "W-what did you do to me," I say trying to push away only to fall off the bed as I scramble away from him. He then groans as he lets out a smirk, he then gets out of bed causing my breath to hitch and my eyes to widen as my heartbeats begin to race. "Nothing... yet" he then grabs my arm roughly as I scream trying to punch or hurt him. "Settle down kitten or ill fuck you right here right now." He says making me freeze. My body begins to shake as the thoughts of what he could do to me flows in my head.

"P-please don't," I say as I feel the tears fall down my face. "Relax... by the way I sent your boy toy a little message," he says as my eyes widen.... "didn't say nothing, because a picture speaks a thousand words," he says showing me the photo as I gasp. No... he sent a photo of me knocked out wearing nothing but lingerie...

"I hate you," I say lowly, I look up to him seeing him light a cigarette as he drinks his whiskey. I then see him walk into the bathroom. There's my chance! I jump off the bed practically flying as I try to open the door. I curse to myself "Locked" I say as I run to the other door, I jump for joy as I rip the door wide open as I begin to run as fast as I can while stumbling. I hear Elijah curse as I hear him sprint after me. I run down the stairs.

Almost there...

Almost there...

I then feel myself get thrown to the ground... no... I was so close. I then feel myself being dragged as my mother and father walk-in "Annalise White have you no shame running from your fiancé soon to be husband" my mother says as two guards hold my arms back. My hair is scattered all over, I then hear Elijah snap his fingers causing the two guards to let me go and everyone leaves the room leaving him and I. I then eyed the door and look back to Elijah, "you're going to become my wife whether you like it or not, in fact, you're going to do it willingly" he said while having an evil smile on his face. He then sits on the bottom step of the stairs lighting yet another cigarette. "You made me drop my first one when we had that fun chase," he said. "What makes you so sure I'm going to willingly marry you and not run out the door," I say stepping back as he got up and smirked. "If you want you can go... but I don't think your boy toy will be happy... in fact, he might be even murderous... that's if the word gets out," he says emphasizing the last word he said. I freeze as I slowly turn to him. "Yeah, I know," he says as my eyes widen.

"Who," I say as he's now only inches away from me "you," he says he walks around me twirling my hair. "I never said anything" I defend myself thinking back into my memories "well your body language tells me everything and let's just say I have people on the inside," he said as I stand helplessly. "Say.... if the world would to find out of his.... situation he might lose everything" he whispered standing directly in front of me, He's blackmailing me into being with him...what do I do...if I leave, he will tell everyone... but if I stay ill end up getting married... but no one will know....

"That's what I thought" he smirks evilly.

.... I'm sorry Ace....


As I got into the car the drive was silent, my mother and father were absolutely ecstatic that I had agreed to the arrangement. Little did they know I was dying inside thinking of the idea of myself with anyone other than Ace, my mother recommended to go pick out a ring... so here we are now... going to find ... wedding rings...

As we got out of the car and went inside the ring store the outside was flooded with reporters and photographers. I look at my phone as I see the headliners about me.

The writer/model in a scandal between two men... Annalise White secretly pregnant with CEO

billionaire Elijah Brice Clyde...

The list went on. I sigh as I just close my phone. I was given a phone that Elijah has his team tapped so if I contact anyone with the information that I'm being blackmailed he will release Ace's secret and find a way to bring me down with him. I only care for Ace... Oh how I miss him.

"Annalise" I hear Elijah say snapping me out of my thought. "That one" I simply point at a random ring. Elijah then snapped his fingers as the people pulled it out having me try it on. I feel my tears swell in my eyes "Oh, she's crying from happiness" one lady says passing me a tissue. Elijah then grabs me and smashes his lips to mine; I refuse to kiss back just then he tightens his hold on my arms causing me to wince in pain.

My tears fall uncontrollably after I felt him wrap his arms around my waist. Just then the front door gets pushed open, he releases me as my eyes widen in shock, there stood Ace heavily breathing from trying to get through the large crowd "Get away from my woman" he said as he takes a step forwards while clenching his fists ready to attack Elijah. Oh, how I just wanted to jump into his arms and run away with him. I turned to see Elijah staring at me like the demon he is. He then smirks as I feel my heart squeeze. I knew what he wanted, or rather what he wanted me to do.

I stood in front of Elijah and the words that came from my mouth made me want to be sick. "I'm in love with Elijah and him and I are getting married," I say as my heart clenches. I see Ace's reaction instantly change. "What," he said in a dark tone that made me shiver. It was as if the room itself becomes cold. "P-please leave us alone" I accidentally studder, "what is he giving you, money? Sex? WHAT IS IT" he said making me want to just break. "I-I..." before I could say anything the next few words caused my heart to break "Keep her, I just wanted to fuck her anyways...too cheap and your fired," he said while almost breaking the door on his way out. I feel my heart completely break.

I'm so sorry Ace....

I love you...

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