Chapter 22

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Ace has set me free, no longer do I have to stay here. All along I stayed in order to protect Ace's secret and now that he has told the world I am free to escape. That contract that was made can burn and everyone along with it for all I care.

I then quickly begin to pack my bag knowing damn well once Elijah gets news about this, he will chain me to the wall if he has to. He knew as well as I that it was the secret that kept me here. I then open the front door slowly as I did not notice any guards. My lucky day.

I quickly begin to run down the hall as I hear the ping of the elevator. "Shit" my heart begins to beat faster than ever. I quickly run into the stairwell where I hear people coming up from downstairs. I immediately begin to swiftly run upstairs avoiding anyone and everyone. Who knows who's on Elijah's side.

I then pull my hat down and my sunglasses covering my face as I ensure that the hoodie that I'm wearing covers me completely, no one will recognize me here. I then get an idea, if the hotel security thinks I'm a poor person they will surely kick me out. But then again, I can't risk it.

I growl to myself in frustration. Think Think... I take a deep breath as I click the ground floor of the elevator... I'm going to take my chances and just like that, I reach the ground floor. I then quickly hide behind a bunch of suitcase racks as I use one to help me guide my way out of the hotel. I've watched enough movies to know that this is one of the best ways to go by unnoticed.

"FREEDOM" I take a deep breath of the fresh cold air but I'm not out of the clear yet. I quickly begin to sprint down the street. I wait a few moments for the walking signal to turn on as I quickly jog down, I take a quick glance towards the cars as I continue to run. My heart stops as I notice Elijah in his car cursing and yelling on the phone. I immediately turn away as I continue to run.

I begin to breathe heavily as I feel myself slightly panicking. I quickly call a cab and give them the address of my apartment but instantly change it. That's the first place he's going to check. "To the nearest hotel please... other than the Knight Empire Hotel"

Linda (aka Lindonna) P.O.V

After getting news of what Ace had just relaced to the public. Our mission has just been set in place. I have the FBI on our side now, all that's left is getting Annalise to safety "I'm going in" I say as I make my way down the hall where Annalise and Elijah were staying. I'm still undercover as a maid so I go into the room and close it behind me. My eyes widen "She's gone" I repeat on the phone. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE'S GONE" Ace from the other side raged.

I quickly go to the security cameras "she's fled the building ill have your team send you the footage, but it appears that she had safely left the premises" I say as I hear Ace from the phone going absolutely ballistic. "Don't worry ill have my team find her ASAP" I said as I made my way out. Thankfully Elijah and his goons aren't here yet which means it's my cue to leave.

I'm going to put that criminal to prison where he belongs, I thought to myself.

Elijah's P.O.V

*Before the broadcast*

When I get back to the hotel, I'm going to teach that bitch a lesson. "Open the door," I said in a deep voice as my men open the door. I take out a cigarette as I light it taking a deep breath in. "What happened?" I say as I release the smoke from my lungs.

"P-please you have to, believe me, it wasn't my fault, I going to get your m-money I just need sometime-" Darwen said as he continued to plead and beg on his knees.

"Ok, so here's what's going to happen, I'm going to get my money *Darwen signs in relief* but I'm going to kill you and your girlfriend who stole the money and blamed it on you."

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