Chapter 3

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It's around 12 when I had completely gotten ready for the author's convention, I have a list of questions I prepared to ask. Imagine me an author one day that would be my absolute dream. I then get a text message from an unknown number saying, 'I'm outside'. Maybe it's Jax I mean who else would it be?

As I make my way down to the front door, I see a very expensive looking car drive up. People then start to gaze and take pictures and videos. The window is then rolled down revealing none other than... Ace? "Come on" his masculine voice was like music to my ears "Oh, wait Jax is actually-"

"I'm taking you" his voice erupts causing me to instantly flinch. I then open the car door slowly making my way inside. "I'm sorry," he says in a very deep voice. As we continue to drive the way to the convention the ride is quiet "So, how's your report going" he says breaking the silence causing me to break out of my thoughts. "O-oh it's actually almost done."

As we arrived were than greeted by the valet parking employees my jaw drops. The area looked like a fashion show and a convention all in one "Umm Mr. Knight what's going on" I say shyly as I hold on to my notepad. "Please Annalise, call me Ace and this convention is not only for authors it's also for magazines and papers which includes the top such as Vogue, Elle, The New York Times and much more," he says instantly making me feel queasy, one wrong move and you can be shunned from the writer's world completely.

As we continue to walk through the convention people continued to come up to us and speak with Ace, photographers taking pictures, news reporters trying to get interviews. This place is pretty hectic. As I continue to walk, I accidentally bump into someone "oh I'm so sorry" I say as she turns, I see non-other than Lynette Veronica Manson Ace's mother, "It's fine my dear you wouldn't imagine how many times that's happened, this place tends to get very busy" she says as she lets out a slight chuckle "hello mother" Ace says as he kisses her on the cheek "Ace my dear son I'm so glad you came, you don't normally come to these occasions" she says winking at him "and you must be Annalise it's a pleasure to meet you, Jax let me know that you would be coming by today" she says as she holds my hand "the pleasure is all mine Ms. Manson" I say blushing slightly "enough with the formality call me Lynette"

After a few minutes of speaking with her I was able to introduce myself "Annalise why don't you and Ace go walk around and when you come back, we can get to know each other more" she says as Ace takes my hand and smiles at the idea. She then passes me my VIP identification card.

"Let me show you around," Ace said as we walked through the convention, I was able to speak to several artists. I also was able to speak with Ace for a long time getting to know each other more. After a while later we ended up passing an exclusive fashion show hosted by a luxury clothing brand. "come let's have a seat" he says as we sit down. "Wow, these models and designs are absolutely gorgeous" the models were dressed in wedding dresses and more luxury clothing. I continued to be in awe little did I know Ace was staring at me the whole time. Suddenly a model looked straight at Ace then at me.

My eyes grew wide as she accidentally falls off the stage. The gasps fill the room as the medics immediately run towards her. A large crowd grows as the whispers of the people intensifies. "oh my god, I hope she's ok" I say as I accidentally place my hand on Ace's knee. I immediately remove It only to feel Ace's large hand cover mine. He looks into my eyes but unfortunately, the moment is broken as Ace's phone begins to ring "one moment" he says as he answers and walks away.

Just then a very angry fashion designer comes out "this is terrible, do we have another model? What do you mean she's sick, where am I going to get another model... Hold that thought" he exclaimed in a French accent. He then storms his way over to me... "You," he says pointing at me "Have you ever modelled before," he says causing me to have wide eyes "No I haven't" he lets out a breath of frustration. "No matter, please I will only need you to model one dress," he says as I feel my shyness reach its peak. "I-I'm sorry I can't," I say as he instantly has an expression of disappointment. "Please, just one dress and I promise" he continues to ramble as I accidentally agree.

Oh, what have I gotten myself into now Annalise I say to myself as I'm being pushed towards backstage as I am then being prepped. I then hear the announcer begin to speak from the back "thank you all we would like to inform you that she is ok but unfortunately cannot continue but as you all know the show must go on" he says as I begin to feel queasy.

Just before the show, I am then taught basic modelling walks and tips and tricks by the girls in the back they were all super kind and helpful. The makeup artists were extremely talented as was the hair and fitting. I feel as though I'm about to be sick, but I try to swallow my fear. I then begin to walk on stage focused. Thankfully when I was younger, I really loved walking in heels, so this is a breeze for me. I know right, heels and literature.

As I walk, I hear the gasp's and whispers of people, photographers rush to take pictures. For a split second at the end of the walk where you pose, I look to the crowd and see Ace noticeably angry his body stiffens when he sees me. His eyes widen as he squeezes my phone. I then continue to walk, then go backstage as the next girl goes up. The girls and crew begin cheering "You were amazing, such a natural" they say as I smile and laugh with them.

What a thrill this was so amazing. "Thank you thank you, Annalise, if you're ever interested in modelling here's my card," the fashion designer says as he hands me his card, Pierre Richard. As I walk to where I was sitting now dressed in my regular clothes, I look up to see a sudden crowd of photographers and interviewers running my way. My eyes widen as I feel myself panic; I'm then being pulled into the arms of a man who then quickly rushes me away from the scene. "Ace" I look up to see him still very angry... I wonder if it was the phone call.

"What were you thinking, do you know how many times I tried to call you I thought something happened to you." he says angrily as he stares deep into my eyes "I-I don't know they needed someone and I tried to say no but-" "Do you have any idea how many men were looking at you tonight," he says angrily as he runs his hands through his hair. I stay quiet as I feel my tears begin to swell in my eyes. I'm not good when someone yells at me.

I know I know cry baby right, but I just cannot help it. "We should go," he says as we walk out to the car it was quite late. *Ping* I then see an email from Lynette, "Annalise I was able to answer all the questions you've asked, Ace was able to send me everything. I also able to see your show tonight you were stunning, the star of the show. Anyway, we should catch up sometime and get to know each other more. And by the way, I think you're a perfect match for him" I read as I blush, what when did Ace even get a chance to see the questions I prepared. The drive home was very silent. "I'm sorry for scaring you," I say as I look at Ace as he let out a deep sigh.

Suddenly the thunderous roar of light flashed the skies and heavy rains hitting the car. By reaction I grabbed on to Ace "be careful," I say as Ace focuses on driving. "Fuck it's getting worse," he says causing me to instantly get scared. He then turns the car and begins to drive as I look outside the lights flashed and the world around us darkened. As we pulled up to the gates opened "Where are we" I say in fear as the rain smashed the car finally came to a stop as the garage doors closed. "my house. Unfortunately, due to the weather conditions will have to be here for a while" he said.

Holy shit...

The Knights PearlsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora