Chapter 12

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As we arrived at our hotel, I couldn't stop but be amazed at all the beautiful areas in Paris. The best thing is that we haven't even started "why hello Mr. Knight as requested your VIP presidential suite all-inclusive rooms have been prepared for you" the woman said in a French accent. "Right this way," another man said as they carried our bags to our room. "So where will I be sleeping?" I say as we stand in front of a room. Ace then pulls out two key passes.

"With me, of course," he says as he swipes his card making a click sound. "If you need any assistance, don't hesitate to call we have a special line directed to the staff, enjoy" as the man leaves closing the door behind him Ace then swiftly scoops me in his arms causing me to slightly scream "Ace!" I gasp as he kisses my lips.

"I couldn't wait any longer," he says as he kisses me once more before letting me down. He then walks away to make a phone call as I continue to admire the view of the Eiffel tower. I can't believe all of this is in front of me. I then get a sudden thought of my parents. I then shake it off after I look at my watch and realize it's almost 10 pm. Since we're going to be here, I might as well unpack and get some work done.

I begin to roll my suitcase as I open the door to my room I begin to unpack just as Ace walks back in. "Thank you for everything, I feel like I don't say that enough but without you..." I say as I look down to my hands thinking of who I am and where I was before. "You don't have to thank me; you deserve this and more," he said in a warm tone.

"Hey Ace, can I ask you something?" I say as I begin to fold my clothes. He then gets off the phone, "Anything princess" he says. As I began to speak his face slowly darkened. "What happened to your mother?" I said as I feel the energy of the room change. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," I say getting up from off the floor and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"You told me something about your family, now it's my turn to tell you about mine but you have to promise not to tell anyone. The only ones to know about this is Jax and Lynette" he says in a stern voice I simply nodded knowing I would never tell his secrets. He then sat down on the bed and began to speak. My eyes slowly began to swell with tears after he told me what happened.

"I was 16 when it happened, it was just my mother, father and I at the time. My mom was pregnant with a girl she was about 2 months from her due date... my father was urgently called for some business thing leaving my mother and I... one night there was a break-in.... I still remember it like it was yesterday, after hearing a crash from my room I instantly ran to my mom's room. As I entered her room, I seen a man pointing a gun at my mother... my mom pleaded with him not to hurt me or her unborn child, but the man wouldn't listen.

He was hungry for money. We gave him everything and when he seen lights flashing outside, he panicked... and accidentally pulled the trigger. He dropped the gun and fell back as he looked at what he had done. I then picked up the gun and shot him in cold blood. I had dropped the gun and when the police entered the room both my mom and the baby were dead." He said as I seen tears fall from his eyes as he looked at his hands. I then help him closely "I love you, Ace, I'm not going to let anyone hurt you. Everything is going to be alright" I say as he holds me tightly. We stayed like that for some time.

"Let's unpack and get something to eat," I say trying to cheer him up.

After we finished unpacking and were able to get something to eat, Ace and I both ended up opening our laptops and finishing some work. As I just about finish my last chapter for the night, I notice Ace turn towards me "can I ask you something?" he says making me nervous thinking he's going to ask about my virginity or something "Y-yeah sure" I say "remember that time it was storming... you were absolutely petrified of the thunder and lightning... why is that" he says making me stiffen yet again as the bad memories flooded my head once again. "You don't have to if you're not ready," he says getting up and pouring me a glass of water. "if I talk about it, I will feel better," I say as I take a sip.

"Remember when I told you about my parents and forcing me into an arranged marriage," I said causing him to clench his fists "How could I forget,"

"Well, the day I ran away it just so happened to have been storming and thundering very terribly that night. I was so scared and with nowhere to go and whatever money I had..." I say looking down "and ever since then I just couldn't get over my fears" I say tearing up "fears of the thunder and lightning or... your parents" he says as I look to him kneeling in front of me "both" I whisper. The thought of ever seeing them terrifies me and the sound and image of the thunder and lightning just cause my body to freeze and tremble.

"Come on baby we should get some sleep. We've both had enough for one day" he says as he guides me to our room. "hey, can I ask you something... it's something I was thinking about for a long time" I say as he turns and sits on the bed. He begins to smile as if he already connected the puzzle pieces together "the girl you were talking about the day we got drunk in my apartment... you were talking about me... and if you were talking about me that means you've met me before, right?" I say as he begins to clap and lets out a deep sexy laugh.

"I was beginning to wonder when you'd figure it out and ask. And to answer your question I have met you before. We were both young, I was 16 at the time it had been a few weeks since the death of my mother and her baby. I went to get some food and this breathtaking girl paid for my food that day. If you're wondering how you changed my life... you simply entered it. I was going through a rough time and after meeting you I knew I needed to work to give you everything you could ever want" he says as he steps closer to me brushing a hair behind my ear.

"So, you knew who I was therefore you hired me because ... you wanted to be with me," I say as my eyes widen as I step away from him. He notices the panic in my eyes. "When I seen you in the café, I knew it was you, fate had it that way. But if you're thinking I hired you just because I wanted you then you're dead wrong, I hired you because you are talented, creative, ambitious, and amazing. I see potential in you. And truth be told I decided to hire you long before you even walked into my office and long before I saw you at the café. It was your work that impressed me one glance and I knew the readers are going to absolutely adore you... just as I do" He said as I couldn't help but tear up. He was amazing, everything he said soaked deep within my heart. "Which is why I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend," he says as I scream and jump on to him in happiness. "I thought you'd never ask."

"Goodnight," I say as I feel him snuggle close to me "goodnight," he said as he kisses my back.

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