Chapter 19

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I felt like a piece of paper thrown in a large vast and endless ocean destined to sink and fade away. Could it be true, my heart throbbed at the idea of it happening... if she is two months pregnant that would mean he must have... while him and I knew each other...

I fell into silence as the makeup artist once again fixed my now ruined makeup. The artist left silently as Elijah held me in his arms. I felt nothing not even his arms around me. I was stuck in a daze, shock... maybe... just maybe she gave him things I could not... what if he's happy?

The more my mind dug into that direction the more I felt my heart shatter over and over again. "Love" Elijah spoke as he helped me up and silently having the maids undress me as I slip into a new dress, my previous dress was ruined from slightly spilt wine.

I'll have to find out for myself. I smile as I look at myself in the mirror "gorgeous let's get going our driver is waiting" he said as I followed him out, my head still attempting to wrap around the words Elijah said.

The drive was silent as we pulled up to the party.

"Will go in be greeted, then take our seats and don't even think about talking to any men and or trying to run away I have the place filled with security and regardless of it would be a very bad idea... also don't forget to smile" he sharply stated as my eyes slightly narrowed at him. As he got out of the car there was a group of photographers who began to yell out questions I simply smiled until I felt Elijah pull me in by my waist causing me to let out a small gasp. "Smile" he whispered as he waved to the crowd. I then notice them turn their attention to two people getting out of a car.

I felt my heartbeat quicken, my breath become uneven, and my body grows cold. It was Ace... and Celia, the cameramen begin to ask them questions just as they did to me. I could feel Ace's eyes staring daggers towards me as we held eye contact. Celia simply enjoying the attention. I then am being moved rather harshly by Elijah as he notices Ace.

As we walk in, I see several celebrities and VIP guests. We are then being greeted again I simply smile just trying to get this night over with. My eyes quickly scan over the crowd to see if I recognize anyone. "Annalise I would like to introduce you to a good friend of mine his name is Andrew Philips he is the one hosting this event," Elijah said as the man sharply stares at me "Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you," I say kindly as he smirks "the pleasure is all mine, Elijah my good man if you weren't already marrying her, I would be next in line... I'm just joking I hope you enjoy the party," he said causing me to let out a fake laugh.

Moments later we make our way to our seats as the guests begin to settle in there was a beautiful orchestra playing in the background as they began to serve dinner. I then felt a hand squeeze mine causing me to wince I turned immediately to see Elijah angrily staring into my eyes. "You liked what he said didn't you" he roughly said as my mouth falls open. "How dare you say that" I angrily say pulling my hand away from his and getting up from my seat. He then grabs my hand arm "Where do you think you're going" he whispers threateningly. "Do I need your permission to use the washroom now too?"

There was a moment of silence. I then pull my arm away from him and walked away looking for the washroom. After a few moments, I finally found it as I open the door, I see Sam fixing her hair. "Sammy?" I say slightly feeling a tremendous amount of relief surge through me "Annalise! Oh my god" she said rushing to me hugging me tightly, "I missed you so much" I say with slight tears in my eyes "Annalise are you ok! What's going on" she said while holding back tears as well. I felt my heart squeeze "So much, unfortunately," I say in a low and unsteady voice.

"is... is it really true," I say almost trembling... the silence unfortunately was enough to answer my question...

"I should be getting back now... ill try to see you soon..." I say slightly trembling at my words. She simply stood there and looked down. As I make my way out of the washroom, I hear her mumble a few things but was too pained to listen. I come to an abrupt stop as I see Elijah standing right there "Almost thought I would have to go in myself" he said as I try to keep my calm. "let's go enjoy the party" I say as he smirked grabbing my side.

Fuck it...

Let's get drunk... I mean how drunk can a person get at an elegant party full of snobby rich people, champagne and wine.

1 hour later

After dinner and my new motive, Elijah introduced me to a few people as I continued to take glass after glass "What are you doing" Elijah forcefully grabs me to the side "I'm not doing anything just trying to drink my life away... but nothing really" I say grabbing another glass just so Elijah can take it from me. "Hey that's mine," I say whining "Yes, you are mine and what's mine means alive and healthy so no you cannot get drunk," he says as he guides me back to the party. I simply pout wishing I could drown the pain in my chest.

I then stumble hitting Elijah back "Why did you sto-" I instantly freeze as I see Ace standing in front of me with non other then Celia by his side "Ace, how have you been. I do hope you and Celia can make it to our wedding, and congratulations on your big announcement by the way" Elijah smirked as it gave him great satisfaction.

Ace said nothing as he glared at Elijah. "Can we leave" I gently said to Elijah as I felt as though I was going to break any moment now. "I do wish we can continue chatting, but my fiancé and I will be leaving now," he said emphasizing on the fiancée part just as we make our way to leave, I desperately wish to hear something I've been craving for such a long time... Ace's voice. But all I hear is Elijah's voice as the next few words cause me to reach my limit "Oh, and by the way... the wedding is in 2 days" I look back to see Ace only to see something I've never seen before something that truly frightened me.

Pure Rage

*Back at the hotel*

I quickly shower as Elijah smokes his cigarette and drinks some whiskey. After 10 minutes I see my purse and notice something sticking out what's this? I grab my purse almost taking out the paper but immediately putting it back as the door suddenly opens. "You know how sexy you look right now," Elijah said as he stood against the door. "I'm not in the mood for your games" I simply say truly wanting nothing more than just to get away from him. "But it's not a game, I wanna f*ck that tight p*ssy of yours and make you cum" he said as my eyes grow wide in disgust.

He then roughly grabs me as I scream trying to fight him. I feel his lips crash to mine as I continue to try and push him away but no good. He continues to kiss my lips biting on my lower lip as he continues to kiss down my neck. "Stop" I cry out as I feel him hug me tightly "Can you feel what you do to me," he said as I become more disgusted. "In two days, I'm going to make you scream for more" he whispers as he pushes me back to the bed.

I continue to sob as I watch him leave the room. That night he didn't return thankfully but I cried myself to sleep that day.

Ace's P.O.V

"Change of plans" I'm going to break him...

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