Boys will be boys chapter.2

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Alfred put down the phone. He had just invited his niece Sally over, since her daughter just got back from being missing for over half a year. Over the three months He's talked to Sally they've grown pretty close, and now- he finally invited her over, to meet his family- the Waynes.

He walked up to Bruce, being skillfully quite as always.

"Master Bruce, I've invited my niece Sally over with her family like we've previously discussed, only her visit will be including her missing daughter that has just returned home."

Bruce paused for a minute. He of course being the paranoid Bat brain, he did a background check on Sally and her family. Originally it was to confirm that she's actually related to Alfred, but then he saw percy's records. That girl has been subject to a nationwide manhunt, fought a man with a gun, blew up saint Louis arch, been accused of kidnapping her mom and of being a terrorist and has gone missing for over half a year only to be spotted in a bunch of random places in Europe, with no record of passing the border.
Let's just say he really wanted to meet the girl.

"How long will they be staying?" He asked, looking up at Alfred.

"A week at most. Ill go prepare rooms for them now." Alfred answerd, and just like that he was gone, excitingly preparing two rooms for his newly rediscovered family.

That night Bruce called a family meeting. Dick was currently staying in the manor as well, even though he lives in Bludhaven.

they all slowly descended to the batcave, one by one, no one actually knowing the reason for this meeting.

When dick came down into the batcave, Tim was already there, surrounded by a million mugs of coffee and glued to the Batcomputer™️, typing away furiously, probably working on some case. He hasn't slept in 4 days and it was showing.

Jason Todd, AKA Red-Hood, just came in the batcave in casual clothes, looking like absolute shit. He had dark circles under his eyes that we're almost as bad as Tim's, his black and white hair was messy, and he had this 'I don't have time for your bullshit' type of look in his eyes.

Sending one glance towards his brothers he lets out a soft groan, an annoyed expression plastered on his face.

"Anyone know what this is about?"

"Tt. Probably realize your uselessness Todd."

Jason rolled his eyes and turned to look at the little angry katana bean that was Damian Wayne.

"Shut it demon spawn."

"The reason I brought you all here is because Alfreds family is coming over for the week." Bruce said firmly, walking into the cave, "and I expect you to be on your best behavior."

They all kinda stood there frozen, processing the new information that was just dropped on them. Even Tim stopped what he was doing and stared frozen for a second.

Dick was the first to recover. "Alfred has other family? How did we not know about this until now?"

"A niece, her husband and their 2 children." Bruce said."only recently we discovered they were alive, and got back in contact with them-"

"That's great! But-" dick started,

"So that explains the reason you were researching Sally Jackson." Interrupted Tim. "It was weird to come across her file in the batcomputer since she seems like an average citizen, but then I noticed her daughters file-"

"Tt. So The coffee addict finally speaks."

"Shut it demon spawn. What's up with her daughter?" Jason asked, standing with his arms crossed.

Tim pulls you a file on the bar computer.
"Perseus Jackson, 17 year old girl, accused of terrorism multiple times, accused of kidnapping her mother at the age of 12, expelled from 6 schools for doing stuff like blowing up a school bus with a canon and dropping her class into a shark tank, blew up saint Louis arc, got kidnapped, got into a gun fight with her kidnapper and won, then proceeded to go missing, only to have a bunch of random sightings of her in Europe, with no record of passing the borders, and was present in a giant fight between two gangs. "

"Father, she seems like a threat, I advise not having them come here."

"Wait, if she's a terrorist then why isn't she in prison?" Dick asks.

Bruce steps forward, and walks over to the batcomputer, pulling up a bunch of police reports. "She was cleared of the charges since she was deemed in the wrong place in the wrong time. It's still suspicious though, so while their here I was you guys to talk to Perseus, and find out if she's a threat. As for the rest of the family-"

"They are here to get to know my side of the family, you. So I expect you to be on your best behavior masters." A voice sounded behind them and they all jumped. Only Alfred could sneak up on them, for he is a NINJA BUTLER!!

"Tt. They are probably gold diggers." Damian mumbled under his breath.

"Awww demon spawn is worried he might lose alfred to these people!"

"Ah, it seems Drake isn't the only imbecile in the room. I am not afraid of anything."

"Don't worry little d, Alfred isn't going anywhere." dick wrapped his arm around Damian's shoulder.

"Remove your hand at once or you'll lose it Grayson." he said in a monotone voice, and dick quickly backs off, knowing he'll probably break his arm if he keeps it there.

Jason nudges damians shoulder, smirking. "It's ok to be afraid demon, unlike Batsy over here Alfred won't replace his family so quickly." He gestures towards himself and them towards Tim. Bruce flinches a bit, only to be noticed by dick who comes over and pats his back smirking, muttering "He's right though." Under his breath.

Bruce grunts.

"Hey!" , Tim puts on a fake hurt pose. "At least I don't go around yelling 'I'm the blood son!' And swinging a katana threatening to kill us."

"I could kill you if I wanted to.-" Damian counters, bringing out a katana from...gods know where.

"No killing!" Tim and dick yell at the same time, and Bruce groans, rubbing his temples.

"Speaking of killing I was going to go on patrol!" Jason claps his hands, turning around to exit the batcave. "So if that's all this meeting was about- Bye bitches! And Alfred!"

Everyone deadpans at him for a moment, but then resumed their... I'm going to call it brotherly banter. Sure, it's not like everyone is traumatized and taking it out on each other- wait, who said that? Not me! Ok ok back to the story.

"Master Jason dinner is tomorrow at seven PM. Show up on time." Alfred calls after him.

By the time he turned back around, things managed to escalate quickly. Damian was now running after Tim with his katana yelling "I'll kill you!" While dick was running after Damian yelling "DAMI NO!". Watching this from the side, Bruce cracked a smile, and Alfred sighed, hoping they don't break ANOTHER vase, but smiling internally.

boys will be boys.

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