Lets just take a moment. Chapter. 11

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Sally leaned against a counter in the kitchen contemplating life. She held her mug like it's the only thing that mattered, when Alfred was suddenly next to her, onions and knife in hand, ready to cook the next meal.
She'd say he walked in, but he was a ninja butler and , frankly, she didn't notice him entering.

Choking on her tea, she went into a coughing fit. She swears this man could successfully sneak up on Batman he was so quiet.

"U-uncle Alfred! I- when did you get here?" She asked,clearing her throat, and putting down the drink. Then she paused. "I mean it is your house I just meant the kitchen"

Alfred looked at her, amused. "Well, I was just starting on dinner..." he gestured with the knife in his hand towards the cutting board. "It'll be fried rice."

"Oh.." she low key snapped out of her daze, "oh!", she rushed next to him. "Let me help you with that." She took, or rather snatched the knife from his hand, swirling it around like a demigod would a dagger.

You could definitely say she learned a few tricks over the years. How could she not?

She ended her elaborate knife twirling by stabbing an onion, definitely taking out some of her aggression on it. Or as she would call it,' taking over' cutting it.

Alfred gave her a pointed look, Recognizing the look in her eyes. He decided not to comment on the blunt knife snatch, and went to get a new cutting board and a knife to cut some Bell-peppers instead.

Even if she was going through some stuff involving kids getting shot, injured and going missing, (A thing he definitely could say he relates to.) it was nice having someone in the kitchen with him that knew how to use something other than the coffee machine (Tim drake if you're seeing this this is a sign to stop. Get some help.) , not to blow up eggs in the microwave. (Dick Grayson.), or use a katana as a kitchen utensil, and scratch half of the pans (Damian.)

Jason being the exception, could cook, but he wasn't there enough to actually keep him company in the kitchen. Seriously, he made killer empanadas. Like- 'Bruce would not approve of this' level of killer empanadas.

Not that he really needed company in the kitchen. Cooking always calmed him down. He assumed it was the same for his niece, seeing as she was on the verge of crying, and it looked as if she wanted to blame it on the onions. Not that he minded though.

She started slicing them, leaving Alfred to cut up the bell peppers silently, side glancing at his long lost niece. He debated what to say- even if he has been comforting and advising for years, he didn't quite know how to approach her.

Maybe it's the fact he barely knew her at all. On the surface, she was the woman he's been talking on the phone with for the past few months, but he couldn't help wondering what was under all of that.

The secrets she so badly kept (literally badly.), the group of people after her daughter, the bad cover ups when it comes to Percy...

Heavens, if she was a hero her identity would have been blown.

Not that they've been keeping a low profile anyway, blowing up National monuments and going missing. It just seems like since Percy came back, the woman he's been talking to on the phone, his niece, has been questioning her place in percy's life, and her place as a mother.

(...but no need to man-splane the situation right? Because there's enough exposition and angst in the air that you could get an allergic reaction. Percy, obviously got brain damage from my inability to write, and it's apparent since she decided throwing away the mental support ring was a good idea. Good job Percy, we are so proud of you. Ok I'll stop bothering you guys now. Back to master chef ft. Alfred and Sally.)

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