The ring of mental support. Chapter.6

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A.N- trigger warning for this chapter- slight mention of torture- but no details. Just wanted to put this here.

A figure looked around the messy house that was supposed to be filled with people. They had entered through the window, since their own key had been lost and the Spare one had seemed to disappear, but after seeing the place vacant and messier than usual , they started to worry- What if this was another 'situation'.

First thing they did was try contacting the members of the household, but the call fell through without success. It was strange, since this type of communication almost always works.

Running their fingers through their hair they took a deep breath, trying to calm the growing panic in their mind.
The figure walked through the house, examining the rooms. They seemed to leave in a hurry, leaving messy closets and missing essentials. All evidence point at the fact they left willingly, a fact that calmed them down a bit.

"At least they weren't kidnapped..." they mumbled under their breath, looking up and sighing.

"I just got you back...don't go disappearing on me again-"

Pausing at this the figure decided to go back home, and inform the rest of the missing people, only one thought on their mind.

"Where the hades are you percy?."


"Tt. And I thought Grayson was weird." Damian remarked, swinging his sword down again, repeating this action several times.

Dick stopped whatever he was doing, taking a moment to gasp dramatically. "I am not weird!"

Damian gave him a look, silently raising an eyebrow, what made dick huff.

The batfam was currently in the cave, warming up and getting ready before their nightly activities, while of course, discussing our lovely perssasy, comparing first impressions.

"Anyway, I don't think she's a terrorist. Maybe a bit chaotic, but I don't think she has bad intentions." Jason stood on the side lined, tapping his red helmet that definitely did not look like a red bucket on his head. Yes, definitely.

"Still, looks can be deceiving." Tim rolled his eyes before placing his black domino mask on, then proceeded to take a sip of his coffee with renewed motivation. "Uh huh. Did you not see her STEAL MY COFFEE?!", he gestured to the mug in his hand.

They all looked at him for a second before bursting out laughing.

Dick wrapped an arm around Tim's shoulder. "Yea and I don't know how she did it if B can't keep you from your coffee."

"I wasn't trying to." Bruce remarks from the side, leaning on the batcomputer.

"Still can't get him to sleep though." Jason remarked from the side lines.

"Sleep is for the weak!" Tim finishes his coffee, smirking. Yes, he still looked like a zombie, but for some reason he felt a bit refreshed now.

"Tt. You forget there's always the 'tranquilizer' option Drake."

Tim freezes at that, knowing that he's serious. It happened before.

Batman smiled a bit at his boy's antics. It was Nice seeing them like this, like how it was before Jason died. Of course, Tim and Damian weren't there at the time, but you know what I mean.
Remembering their discussion, he cleared his throat and the batboys quiet up, looking at him.

"Find any new information about Percy?" He asked, looking at the boys who seemed to pause to think. "Other than people being after her..."

"Do we have any idea who it could be?" Dick frowned,

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