Therapy for you! And for you! and for everyone! Chapter.12.

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Diana paused as she looked at the grumpy dirty leaf covered boy that seemed way too sarcastic to be this young. He stared up at her with his dark eyes, waiting for an answer.

"...cousin. " he didn't look impressed. "With all honesty, even with the food of the gods, how do you think you're going to get to this 'sunshine'? I expect you cannot fly since you're not a son of my fathers. Even if you could- at a state like yours I wouldn't think you should be risking it- "

"So I'm gonna guess that's a no on the ambrosia. Thanks for burning me with your glowing cowboy rope. Appreciate it. Bye now." He stumbled away towards the exit, planning on checking the parameters. Then he paused, a flicker of amusement crossing his face. How does she think he got here? Unlike some people he doesn't randomly wake up on islands populated by beautiful people.

Or does he? Now he could join the club. Great. Percy will make t-shirts, and when Leo decides to reveal to everyone he's not dead he can join them. Well, if he doesn't die again, by cause of an angry demigod mob.

But back to sunshine. Gotta get back to sunshine. No more getting side tracked. He's gonna send the monsters who did this to Tartarus.' Mortal or not, you do NOT mess with my boyfriend.'

And so he walked. Hands clenched and face full of determination. Whatever the cost, Will can yell at him later. When he's safe.

"Cousin!- Nico!" Diana stumbled in front of him once again. She now stood firmly in front of him and he stopped in his tracks, getting slightly sick of this. "Just wait a minute. We can help. Just-" she gestured towards him with her hand. "Wait."

Then there was silence. He didn't trust her, but she clearly wanted to be involved. Like- who does that?


Excluding most of his cousins. They don't count, they have to save the world, they don't choose to be involved.

...even if she's technically his cousin.

But like...fine. FINE. he walked past her, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Ok. I'm waiting." Nico looked up at the ravenette. "But not for long. Unless you have a way to New York. And you know where my boyfriend is. And-" Nico paused as he saw her raise an eyebrow. He raised one back. The tall lady put a hand on her hip and looked behind Nico.

For a moment there was silence.

"I think Diana could be of help to you." Hyppolyta remarked from the back. With all honesty Nico would have forgotten she was there, if not for His inability to be unaware of everything around him.

(Haha, what? Years of trauma and fighting left him on a constant edge? Pffttt nahhhhh you must be imagining things.)

He tilted his head at her, but let her continue. "Yes, I'm sure I could help you find him. And I'm sure you could-"

"Ok, but why?" He asked, his tone running cold. "You literally just met me. I just appeared out on no where, practically told you your life is a lie-" he walked past her, finally reaching the exit, revealing a bright sunlight lighting up wild scenery and gorgeous structures. He covered his eyes with his hand, slightly blinded by the immense change in lighting.

He felt a hand on his shoulder, then Slightly pulled away, not liking the amount of physical touching Diana seems to have shown regardless. He turned around back to her.

"I called your dad a slut." Cue the thunder. "Not that it's untrue." Cue more thunder. Shut up. You really don't want to piss thunder pants off Neeks.

"Exactly. You just came here, dropped off a bomb like this and now you're leaving? Look at you! At least eat something."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2022 ⏰

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