it's okay

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5 Days Later

It had been five days and you have yet to wake up.

Everyone was beyond ecstatic when you had survived the night, but you didn't wake up the next day or the day after that.

Bakugo went back to school but everyone could tell that something was wrong because not only did he stop yelling and insulting his classmates, he simply stopped talking.

No one knew what was wrong and they didn't know how to approach the hotheaded boy, not even his friends, they had never seen him like this before.

Everyday since, Bakugo would visit you until he was kicked out.

He would never enter your room, he was too scared to face you. Even though he would never tell anyone that, he knew that was why he never walked in.

It was when he was outside your room he heard the nurses talking quietly, but not quiet enough to where he couldn't hear them.

"That's the young man that brought her in."

"I heard it's because of a quirk malfunction."

"Yeah, we've been seeing a lot more of those recently, so sad."

"Yeah, she must be in a lot of pain because of it."

That was when Bakugo stopped listening to them, suddenly remembering something you had said.


"Have you ever thought about how you wanna die?"

The swing had stopped and your feet were on the ground, "Most hero's want to die in action.." there was a short pause, "but then again it's not like you really get to choose."

You looked over at him waiting for a response but he still looked surprised. Instead you answered first, "I don't really care how I die as long as it's not super painful, being in pain sucks."


Bakugo was brought out of his thoughts when he heard his mother call out to him.

"I thought I'd find you here."

"What do you want old hag."

Mitsuki looked at her son and frowned. Not because of the name he would call her, but because of the bags under his eyes.

She wanted to tell him to go to sleep at night when she knew he was still awake, but she knew he was struggling, so she left him alone.

It was times like this that she wished she had raised him differently. She wanted to be able to comfort him without him pushing her away.

"I just came to visit Y/n."

She noticed he slightly tensed, as if he didn't want to hear your name.

She walked over to the door and opened it slightly before turning to Bakugo, " Are you coming in?"

He looked away from her towards the floor and said nothing.., so she went in alone.

It's not that he didn't want to see you, he was just scared.

He didn't want to go in there and see what he caused, but he knew he would have to sooner or later.

He just couldn't...not today.


it's okay ↬ k. bakugoWhere stories live. Discover now