Chapter 18 🌲

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Jasper stood for a long time watching Athena. She was quiet and tense. So was Edward. And it was his emotions he could feel. It nearly started to give him a headache. Edward faintly looked his way and met his eyes. He raised a brow, no doubt hearing his thoughts.

"Athena. I want to thank you for what you told Edward earlier today. It surely gave my siblings something to think about," Jasper said with a nod her way. Her head had shot up and their eyes locked. For a moment he could feel her emotions as it happened.

"No problem Jasper. I'm just sorry I forgot to tell you earlier. I mean, it does make sense," she replied.

"Yes, it does. And we were all quite stupid to not realize it earlier," Jasper said with a small smile.

"Eh, maybe." Athena giggled.

"It is quite easier when you know, which brings us back to those books you spoke of," Edward said, gaining Athena's attention again. She sighed.

"I would prefer it if everyone were here. It would make things easier," she said and looked over to Rose and Emmett. They were both watching her, but neither of them revealed any emotions.

"Maybe it is for the best. You need rest and any of us can tell Carlisle." Esme's voice was firm as it carried through the room. She placed a cup of tea on the table in front of Athena and she silently thanked her as Alice came back and sat down on the opposite side of Athena with legs crossed.

I guess there is no arguing with mama vampire, Athena thought and nearly snorted.

"Soooo...The Twilight Saga. There is four books. The last one's got three parts. But let's start with Twilight, the first book..." Is it any easy way to say this? Nope, I don't think so. She drew a deep breath. "Ok. So it is about Bella Swan. She moves to Forks and she meets Edward. Eventually they fall in love. Her blood sings to him. He can't read her mind. He literally stalks her at night. Nomad vampires come across the Cullen family and Bella when playing baseball. The hunter James wants Bella. You all try to throw them off her trail. She, Alice and Jasper go back to Phoenix. However, James knows and calls her. She manages to get away and confronts him alone. He bites her before any of you reach her; however, Edward sucks the venom out again. And they are still together by the end of the book." She stopped and looked at all the frozen vampires around her. It was quite short, but she felt she had said the most important parts. At least for now.

Edward was the first to recover. "Me and Bella Swan?" he asked skeptically.

Athena nodded.

Rosalie snorted. "Like that would have worked out."

"more like you would've let it work out!"Emmett boomed and Rosalie just glared at him, making him shut up immediately.

Athena leaned back and rested her head on the couch and giggled.

"There is more, that much is obvious," Esme said silently. Trying to think of how it would have been without Athena in their lives.

"New Moon," Athena started. "Bella is turning eighteen and she does not want to become older. To be honest, she's kind of obsessed with turning into a vampire. Of course that can be seen from different point of views. Anyway, Alice planned a birthday party, which goes wrong. She gets a paper cut and Jasper charges for her. But all of the vampires in the room could smell the blood. And well, Jasper was very much affected by that. She ends up with stitches and Edward decides to leave shortly after. He takes her into the woods and practically say he does not want her anymore. That she was a distraction... So she runs after him hoping to catch up I guess. But no luck there. She is later found by wolf boy Sam. She goes through months with depression. A real zombie. She hangs out with Jacob Black and she is ok. But then he changes to a wolf and keeps his distance. She takes her own walking trip, run into one of the nomads that wasn't killed and the wolves save her. She figures out that James' mate Victoria is after her and for revenge. Mate for mate. Then she figures out that Jacob and several others are wolves. Some after that again she goes cliff diving, because every time she does something dangerous she seems to hear Edward's voice and kinda sees him as well, which makes her do it even more, delusional. However, Alice doesn't see her get out of the water and thinks she's dead. She comes to the Swan residence. Bella is not dead. Rose tells Edward, who goes to Volterra to get himself killed. They manage to get there just in time to save him, but leave Volterra with the promise that Bella will be changed. Eventually. Edward still does not want to 'condemn' Bella to the life of a vampire, but seriously it's her choice. So she decides for a vote so that she will be turned. At a later time of course. After graduation sometime. But for Edward to change her, he bargains in the way that they have to marry first, but it's not so much about that in this book." Athena took a deep breath. The Cullens just gaped at her.


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