Chapter 23🌲

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Athena's POV

A new week. Dreams that kept bothering me. But the biggest bother of all was Bella Swan. Earlier this day she had asked me about Edward, and what his deal was. What happened after though was that she tried to slap me. I wanted to answer like a civilized person and apologize for his actions, but instead my instincts took over and I glared at her and maybe just maybe threatened her if she did not leave me alone I would kill her. Which earned me a lecture from Rosalie afterwards. However, Emmett and Jasper thought it was funny. I wish this stupid pull would let me make my own actions.

The rest of the day had passed without any more problems and we had returned to the house. Lucky me got called into Carlisle's office and we briefly talked over what had happened to me and for now I was relaxing since nothing else unusual had happened.

"Here you are," Jasper said with a careful smile as he entered the large empty room.

"Here I am," I said silently.

"I can show you what you're feeling, if that might help" he suggested.

"Now? Or when Edward usually is in the room?" I asked and smirked. He rolled his eyes but nodded. 

"Sure. It would be nice to know," I mumbled and closed my eyes.

The feelings were so overwhelming that I nearly fainted and choked. I felt sadness for thinking he did not like me as I him. A feeling of love so strong that it brought tears to my eyes and it made me cry. It shook me.

"And here I thought I didn't like him that much," I said a bit shakily.

"It's ok to feel upset. I have never felt a love so strong before. The strongest over all mating bonds I have ever felt," Jasper said and met my eyes.

"Jasper- I love him. But he doesn't feel the same way"

"Im sure he feels the same way," Jasper said reassuringly. I smiled and shook my head.

"No Jasper, he doesn't. That was proved to me last week. I saw the way he looked at Bella Swan. Thats his fate, to be with her. The way it was written in the books, theres no way to change it."

"Im so sorry Athena. But there must be a way, i'm sure there is."


"I'm just glad you are sure of your feelings. I don't want to see either of you hurt," he said with a worried look.

"Can I ask you something?" He nodded and I took a deep breath. "The pull I feel within me. I feel it intensifying when he's close" I said.

Jasper looked a bit thoughtful.

"And when we're too far away for a long time it hurts."

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