Chapter 24 🌲

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Athena's POV

I stepped out the big home and as soon as I entered the forest, I removed the shoes Alice had chosen for me to wear. The dirt under my bare feet just or much better then I had imagined. After quite a while of walking, I was deep into the forest, and just as I was about to turn around and head back, I ran into a small riverbank, which gave me an idea.

I unzipped the white hoodie and pulled down my sweatpants, letting them fall to my feet and stepping out of them, now wearing only in my undergarments. I sat at the edge of the bank, only dipping my feet, checking for any strong currents. None.

Slowly, I lowered myself into the river. I couldn't lose this part of myself, I simply couldn't. I felt empty without it. Taking a deep breath, I dipped my head into the water and stayed there for as long as was humanly possible if I even was one.

Nothing was happening. No claustrophobic feeling, no dryness, nothing. I swam to the surface and took a deep breath. Maybe I really wasn't an unknown species anymore. A tear rolled down my cheek but I wiped it away confidently, I wouldn't give up.

I dipped my head underwater once more. Suddenly my skin felt tight, my legs gave away and I stopped paddling in the water, slowly sinking to the bottom of the  seemingly deep river bank. A purple bra like top wrapped around my breasts beautifully, a fancy short skirt lowing around my waist.  When I looked up, I saw my long hair above me, its tips made a purple flame, the rest of it turning purple as well behind me and I felt air return to my lungs. I had successfully and fully transformed again and the joy I felt for not losing this special part of myself was immense. I swam back up to the surface, feeling the warm sun on my face, the water around me sparkling beautifully. It was like i had a mix of vampire powers and some aquatic powers mixed in it.

I gained speed as I raced myself further into the river, stopping where a wall of rocks ended it. I felt peace full. And for the first time, I felt like I belonged.

3rd person

"Alice! Wheres Athena? She left about an hour ago, and she's too far away for me to hear any of her thoughts!" Edward was freaking out at this point. Alice just gave him a serene smile.

She's transformed Edward. She's happy. Why don't you go find her, Im sure she'd love some company. She must be hungry, here, Esme made her some food. Alice thought and smiled,  handing a shocked Edward a basket of food.

She's in the river bank. The one Rose found. You know where. Alice had seen that Edward would ask where she was. He nodded and sped off into the forest.

He raced through the forest, his photographic memory showing him the way. Edward came to a sudden halt when he heard a mesmerizing song. Standing behind a tree, amazed, the vampire stared at the girl in awe. She looked so graceful in his eyes, everything seemed so perfect; it was like a natural spotlight as the sun shone down on the girl, water surrounding her like star shaped crystals.

Athena was sitting on an underwater rock, the lower half of her body under water and the upper part of her body up in the surface, her long purple hair framed her face beautifully, for she had been swimming for a long while and felt tired. It didn't help Edward's trance when he noticed she was leaning back against the edge of the bank, her arms spread on either side of her head which was leaned back, exposing her neck. If Athena had blood running through her veins, Edward would have had the urge to bit her. But she didn't have blood in her veins. Instead Edward found it attractive. 

Athena was singing softly, an intriguing song which in all his years, Edward had never heard, yet she had a beautiful angelic voice, just like everything she did. He had been standing behind the tree for about 10 minutes already, watching and listening to the mermaid in the river. He could stay there forever, but of course, he couldn't.

"Athena" Edward spoke softly, not wanting to scare her, at the same time knowing she could hear him.

She stopped singing and snapped her head up, startled. When she realized who it was, she instantly calmed down, yet felt awkward. Their last conversation didn't end as well as one would expect. Athena looked at him for a second longer before looking down.

"I see you've been able to transform" Edward motioned to her tail which she stopped moving. Athena said nothing.

"You should go back Edward, I'll go later" Athena said. It was getting far too awkward for her liking.

"Esme made you some food" Edward ignored her request and took a seat on the grass surrounding the river, handing her the basket which she took hesitantly.

"Thanks" Athena pulled out an apple and chewed on it slowly, keeping her head down. Edward looked at her.

"What's wrong? Every time you're around Bella your whole personality changes! That day in biology, I got a small peek of your thoughts, and what caught my attention was something about hurting her running through your head. I drove her home when she was sick, she's a kind girl, you should give her a chance, just like I did, you won't regret it. I like her, we have a lot in common. Maybe you'll like her too." Edward said, but little did he know, these simple words had caused Athena more damage than a burning steel sword could have possibly caused.

Athena wished nothing more than to kill that girl with her bare hands at that moment. Strangle her. Tear her skin layer by layer. He didn't return the feelings Athena held for him, feelings she had never held for anyone else. He never would. Thats how the story went and there was nothing anyone could do about it.

Yet she smiled through the pain. As much as he had hurt her, she couldn't let him know how she felt.

"Yeah" She gave him a forced smile and pulled out the grilled sandwich Esme had cooked up for her.

"Promise me you'll give her a chance?" Edward asked.

"Promise" she smiled a cheery smile.  Fuck no she thought bitterly.


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